Chapter 15

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Soon Draco and I departed from the Malfoy Manor, after Narcissa pried Samantha off of me, and we apparated to Tokyo, Japan. The first thing that caught my eye was the enormous volcano overseeing the city. The top was coated with white snow, while the bottom was bare. How odd? From the corner of my eye, I saw Draco looking at it too, his mouth a gaped. I ignored him for the moment. I saw still a bit iffy on where we stand ever since I confessed my feelings for him last night. I know I told Draco that nothing would change but it hurts to know that when we kiss he doesn't feel the same way as I do for him, so I refuse to kiss him. That's when I made the decision to ignore my dejected feelings and forget about it.

We stayed in Tokyo for a whole day, touring the city and trying to comically translate the signs that were written in Japanese. He even dared me to eat sushi. It wasn't that bad, just weird. Overall, it was fun but there was still some tension between us and we haven't kissed yet. Draco hasn't tried to kiss me but I sometimes catch him leaning in before he remembers and pulls away. Anyways, later that night we apparated to Egypt and got a hotel where I insisted for us to get two rooms, instead of the usual one. Draco seemed to want to argue but he never brought up the other night and neither will I.

The next morning, I changed into some jean shorts, a baby blue shirt and a light blue head veil and some shades. It was really hot outside and when I met up with Draco in the lobby the air felt like it was sucked out of us when we walked outside.

"Where to?" Draco asked me as he blocked out the sun with his hand.

I shrugged. "I want to go see the Pyramids and the Sphinx, other than that we can just join and the travel guide inside the ancient temples and stuff." I squinted my eyes and pointed ahead. "You see over there, that little pointy thing. That's where the Pyramids are."

He nodded. "How will we get to there? Because I'm not walking, I've done more walking on our entire trip than I have in my whole life."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to a vendor that rented camels. "Two please."

"Two!" Draco interjected beside me. "I'm not riding that thing alone."

I sighed. "Fine, one camel please."

The hairy little man nodded and handed me one after I gave him the money. I connected my bag with the saddle and in one swift move, I climbed it. I turned to Draco and extended my arm, helping him up. It was weird having him so close and when he wrapped his arms around me, I blushed but hid it. The once we were situated, I pulled on the reins and within seconds we were off. As we traveled in silence through the hot desert, Draco couldn't take it anymore and he spoke.

"Where'd you learn to ride like this?" 

I shrugged. "My father used to own horses and he taught me how to ride them. But after Pam said she was scared of them, my father sold them all even my prized horse, Midnight. In my opinion she was just jealous of all the trophies I won in many of my competitions." 

"Wow," he began. "Who would have thought that, the quiet and shy Alice you see at Hogwarts is actually a fun and exciting person?" he paused pensively. "Why aren't you this open with other people?"

I shook my head. "I'm not sure. In all actuality, I am a very quiet person who loves to read books and do homework but when I'm around people I love, my more exuberant side pops out and well here I am." I paused. "We're here."


"So you’re saying that the Egyptians used to 'mummify' the dead?" Draco asked in disbelief as we walked out of the tomb of Cleopatra. We had already gone to see the Pyramids and the Sphinx, and now we were following the tour guide. It was getting late and the night sky made everything even scarier than it actually was. I used this to my advantage.

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