Chapter 2

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After I finished with the shower, more like finished dancing and singing under the flow of water, I came out to dress up

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After I finished with the shower, more like finished dancing and singing under the flow of water, I came out to dress up.
Stylish is not the word I would describe myself or my wardrobe as, because I've often been told that I've a terrible fashion sense.

I agree.

I personally hate shopping until the moment arrives when I've worn each of my dresses about 13 times or something. And I've this habit of going through the whole shopping mall and selecting one item only, it used to piss off my mum so much.

I opened my wardrobe, and immediately the earthquake I was awaiting took place. As the rolled up pants and shirts tumbled out, I was covered by my not-so-well-arranged but clean clothes.
I groaned picking it all up and stuffing them into the wardrobe before selecting a white shirt and black trousers to wear. Yeah, I really have to be formal while I go to work, I've a lot of agents to talk to, linguists to hear from, and such.

I think it's better than the headquarters at Washington D.C. where I usually have to go once in awhile, and I always find the people looking grumpy about their dress codes. I do have to move around a lot, travel for weeks sometimes, especially to Los Angeles or Washington for cases.
Not that people at my apartment care. This flat consists mostly of families and I'm sure I'm the only single person living, and the landlady is very straightforward about her 'no noise' rule.

I can't risk having sex here and loud moans, groans and other shit echoing through my room with kids living in flats on either side. Who am I kidding, I'm least interested in such things. I would have thought I'm asexual if not for the celebrity crushes I used to have as a teenager.

I put on the sports bra, it just makes me feel more comfortable for some reason and then slipped into the clothes I selected. I used to have short hair but my highly bushy hair had grown shoulder length so I just added some clips to make sure they didn't fall on my forehead and tugged the bangs behind my ear. I really like how some of the women at work tie their long hair into tight buns, it looks so classy.

On entering the kitchen, I took out two slices of bread from the refrigerator and my favourite can of peanut butter, and after eating the sandwitch (yes, I've always felt that that's the correct spelling no matter who tried to convince me otherwise since kindergarten) with a million of noises of content, I finally took my bag and headed out.

I came out of the apartment and walked towards the main road. Nah, I don't have a car. Working at such a high position at FBI, you might think i would have one but I've to send a major part of my earning to my parents.
My paternal grandfather was a hardworking businessman, and he made sure my father always had everything he needed. After his death, my father, being the only son, inherited a large part of the property and my family couldn't have been better off. Quite sadly, neither of my parents have a proper job and even though my father used to work part-time, since I got the job, they've been totally relying on me to send them the money they needed to keep up their high status among relatives and friends.

Although I managed to get out of the toxic environment of my old house, I couldn't afford to get more than the rental one room with a kitchen and bathroom apartment where I live.


"Good Morning, ma'am," Zoë greeted me as I entered the building.

I smiled at her, "Good Morning, Zoë."

"Well, ma'am, these files came for you yesterday evening from the higher authority," she said, handing me a bunch of papers in a channel file.

"Thank you, do you know if it's something about a new case?" I asked, and I knew she had noticed my twinkling eyes from the way she smiled.

"No ma'am, do you remember the drug case which came up last year? I think we couldn't take much actions because of the lack of information, it's the same case but I fear, it's gotten worse. Mr.Thomas wanted to meet you in his office this afternoon to give you the details."

By this time, we had reached the fourth floor and while Zoë headed towards the front desk, I walked up to my office.
After entering, I was met with the toothy grin of Ashton, my colleague who happened to be one of my biggest fans for some unknown reason. He joined us as a linguist 6 months ago and even though he was a junior, it didn't stop him from hanging around me half the time.

"Hey there, Clove, how was the weekend?" he asked cheerfully.

"As boring as it usually is," I replied sitting down on my wheely chair...yes, that's what I call it.

The afternoon passed away slowly, I logged into my computer and even read the files that had arrived. I might or might not have watched a part of the movie, Up while giving myself a break. I mean like come on, I've always been someone to prefer physical cases not going through stuff in a room with four walls.

After lunch break, I headed to Mr.Thomas' office and knocked.

"May I come in, sir?" I asked peeking from the doorway.

"Yes, Ms.Solace, please take a seat," said the man, putting away The Statesman, which he had been reading.
Honestly, other than solving the crosswords and reading the comics, I don't have any purpose for newspapers as such.

"I read the files about the drug case, sir. The people behind these happenings, they seems to be very deeply related and I think they might be attached to the trafficking cases we've been receiving lately." I stated.

"Yes, we've had orders to pass the case on to the Narcotics Department as it's something very complicated but I think we should give a last try. I have contacted some of the members of the FDA for assistance and I think you will be able to lead this, right?"

I blushed a little, "Yes, sir."

"You were seriously one of the best field agents we have ever had, and I have my eyes on this guy-," he said take out a form from among the papers, "his name is Zacharias something, yeah, Martinez-" I snorted but quickly covered it up with a cough "-I think you've heard about the job openings we have had, and this might be a good opportunity for you to see to it," he said giving me a understanding look.

I nodded, "Yes sir, I'll supervise the case if thats what's needed and I'll immediately see to meeting these agents."

"Thats settled then," he said, handing me the forms.
I read through it, and understood that Zacharias, Peter, Zander, Will and Noah were the five people who I would have to work with for the next couple of weeks. Just great.


Chapter 3 coming next week!
[Chapter edited]

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