Chapter 12

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"Is anyone going to tell me where are we even going?" I huff, starting to lose control

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"Is anyone going to tell me where are we even going?" I huff, starting to lose control.

"If I knew, I would tell you," Zander replies, his eyes fixed on Eva, who was talking animatedly to Savannah.

Well, I had clearly seen Abir talking to Eva before we left and she had come back from her room a few minutes later, carrying a side bag and so it's quite probable she is the only one who knows what he is up to.

"Are you trying to find a good place to murder us?" I ask, voicing my suspicion.

"I won't be suprised if he is," Will snorts.
I hope he isn't being serious. I still have a lot of things to do. I haven't even had a proper boyfriend yet.

Not saying that I want one.

Abir, who has been leading us through the deserted streets lit by dim light posts finally stops abruptly, causing me to run into him.
"Woah, slow down," he says, turning around.

"Next time," I say, rubbing the spot on my head which had bumped into his, "give a signal before you stop."

He ignores my comment,"So there are two places we could go to. One place has a bit more security than the other, but obviously that's the better one."

"How did you even become the Head Field Agent?" I question, warily.

"What does security have to do with what we are going to do?" Peter asks, raising an eyebrow.

"We'll be breaking.....let's say a few rules," Abir answers, shrugging.

"That sounds fun," Noah chimes in, and Zander nods.

Who am I and what am I doing here with a bunch of immature coconuts?

"Let's go with the second option, I don't want to get arrested," Savannah states.

"Why are we even doing this?" I ask, as everyone turns around and starts following Abir once again.

"We are doing this because not everyone is a spoil sport like you are, and we like to do things which are actually fun," Abir replies, stopping again,"you can always back out if you want to, no one's forcing you to come."

"Wait no, Clove, you're coming. I'm not going without you," Eva says, turning to me.

"But this is insane, we have duties towards the nation, we are not supposed to do this kind of stuff," I counter.

"Talk when you get to know what's the 'kind of stuff' we are going to do," Abir says, starting to walk again.

Before I can come with a reply, Peter grabs my arm and whispers to me,"Listen, Abir can be a bit persuasive at times but he's got a good heart. I'm sure he won't lead us into something dangerous."

"Exactly, and you babe, need to stop worrying," Will says, coming to walk next to me and Peter.

"Don't call me 'babe'. I don't like nicknames," I say, blantly.

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