Chapter 7

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I dart across the room, and find the doors of the verandah flung open

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I dart across the room, and find the doors of the verandah flung open.
The verandah faced one of the sides of the building and surprisingly, the place was empty of guests.

"We lost them. I want you all spreading out in search right now," I say into my speaker, hoping onto the railing and down on the other side.

"Zach, you found anything?" I hear Zander speaking.

No reply. That's weird.

Me and Eva walk down the pathway in the dark, guns positioned in front. Suddenly I hear a commotion arising from the other part, and start heading in its direction.

Halfway across when we pass the pool, I hear the first gunshot.
This could not possibly be good.

By the time, we arrive at the spot, all the people were rushing out of the place in swarms and it was quite difficult to find our way through.

Finally, we reach the front doors and I find myself looking at Zach and Will, the latter examining the former's hands.
"What happened?" I ask, rushing over.

"They escaped," Zach says, not meeting my eyes.

"How?" I ask, failing miserably at hiding the anger from my voice. We were not supposed to mess this up.

"Come on, Clove, we were supposed to come only for information anyways," Zander states, arriving with the others.

"That's not the point."

"I think she's right guys, this was a good opportunity. We should atleast have been able to talk to that guy," Savannah says, coming to stand next to me.

My inner feminist is currently dancing to Sunflower by Post Malone.
Concentrate, Clove, concentrate.

"Maybe we still can," Noah answers, pointing to the doorway.

"He's right, why not give it a shot? You're the Head Field Agent, Zach, what do you think?" Will adds.

"Let's do it for what it's worth but if we need to get friendly, its best if only two or three of us go," Zach says, ringing the doorbell.

After a discussion, me, Zach and Eva stay back while the rest of them go back to the headquarters to inform them about what had happened. According to Zach, no one had not noticed him due to the darkness.

"What was the gunshot for?" Eva asks.

"The woman fired, nearly got me. I had to make sure everyone was out of the place, thankfully Will arrived soon enough," Zach explains.

Two minutes later, the door swings open and a different girl, wearing a bright pink tank top and an equally bright yellow mini skirt with fluorescent polka dots, steps outside.

What a flabbergasting colour combination. I suddenly feel proud of my crappy fashion sense.


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