Chapter 11

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"Tell me a f-funny incident," Will stammers

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"Tell me a f-funny incident," Will stammers.

"How will that help this situation in any way?"

"Just do it, Abir, godammit."

"Fine," I reply, suppressing a laugh,"So this one time in senior year, me and Zander had a major argument and he told me to go to hell. It kinda pissed me off and I was really late to the first class because I didn't want to attend it. That teacher was a nuisance to be honest."

"What did the teacher do?" Will asks, curiously.

Thankful that I've finally diverted his attention from giving me second hand embarrassment in all the ways possible, I continue,"She asked me to stand in front of the blackboard and tell everyone why I was late."

"Tell me you didn't tell her about Zander."

I chuckle,"Nah, that would have been lame. I just said that Zander told me to go to hell and it took me a while to find it and now there I was, standing inside it. I was fuming so bad that I didn't realise what I was saying until I had already said it."

Will stares blankly at me and then starts laughing, wrinkles appearing beside his eyes, "You what?"

"I got a detention for a week after that one and Zander couldn't stop teasing me about it for weeks," I recall, shaking my head.

Will grabs his sides, shaking with laughter,"What did the teacher look like when you said it?"

"Like someone had told her to make Gingerbread Men and imagine them as her future grandchildren before naming them one by one," I reply, smugly.

"Who's making a Gingerbread Man without me?" Noah asks, coming out of nowhere, and slamming a hand on my shoulder. I swear this guy is going to give me a heart attack someday.

Finally, Eva opens the door, her hair in a mess and her dress in a weird combination of a tank top with grey shorts,"Sorry guys, had been a bit busy," she says, out of breath, motioning us to come inside.

"Yeah, we can clearly see how busy you were," Zander answers, following me and Will inside.

"We can also see what kept you that busy," Noah sniggered as a guy came out of a room at the side.
I turn around to notice Clove biting her lip, probably from embarrassment at our jokes as she bids goodbye to Eloise, who had droven her here.

I assure you the moment wasn't exactly ecstatic when Will shamelessly gawked at her getting out of the car, laughing at some joke Clove had cracked. But that was till she noticed me, and turned all red once again, and murmered something to Clove, turning around to leave.

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