Chapter 9

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"Dear ladies and invisible gentlemen, meet the most important member of the Martinez family, Bitch!" Zach exclaims excitedly, ruffling the fur of the chocolate coloured labrador, currently muzzled in his arms.

"Wait, his name is bitch?"

Zach frowned,"Its a she, you moron. And yes, her name is Bitch," he replied, patting the dog proudly.

"How old is she?" I ask, unable to wipe the stupid grin off my face.

"4 months. As for the name, I wasn't a fan of it either but after Zach started calling her that, she pretty much gave us the 'what is this shit' look if we tried to call her something else,"Reyna answered, giggling.

"Not a compliment, but I think the name is iconic. She's a bit too small though," I say, honestly.

Abir gives me a blank look,"Its a puppy, what were you expecting?"

"I know. But even by that standards- oh my god, she has a white speck?"

"Yep," Abir answered, sitting down on the edge of Shreya's bed while Bitch the doggy wagged its little tail a bit too excitedly, showing off the white speck at the end of it, and intently chewing Abir's thumb. How adorable.

"Is she a mixed breed though?" I question, getting up from the floor.

"If you're referring to the white spot, no. We took her to the doctor but he said she's purebred, and labs having two colours is rare but not impossible," Shreya explains, getting up too and sitting down on the wooden chair of her desk.

"You're lucky she is sleepy now, normally she seems to be on a sugar rush all the time," Abir says, sitting Bitch down on Shreya's bed. The puppy's eyes are drooping, and it seems to be going into a deep slumber after a hard day of licking people's limbs. Must be tiring.

"She was 8 weeks old, when we found her," Shreya says, beaming.

"Found her? Like she's not bought from a pet shop?"

"Nope, I found her on the roadside in a cardboard box with some pieces of cloth, brought her home. Aunt was a bit fussy about it in the beginning, especially since she's a female and you know but the puppy eye trick always works on her," Abir sniggered, poking Bitch's head for some unknown reason.

"Stop poking her."

"Its so soft," Abir gives Shreya a guilty smile, who facepalms herself.

"So who's up for a good movie cause none of us look like we are getting any sleep tonight, Clove?" Shreya says, clapping her hands together.

"You really don't-" but before I could complete, Abir spoke up,"have to, yeah, yeah, that's what they all say. You know what Shreya, she's absolutely ready and can't wait to watch."

I glare at him, but the inner me kind of agreed to what he had said. It isn't like I can go back home now, in this weather and at this hour, why not just enjoy with these people.

"So what movie are we watching?" I ask, getting comfortable on Shreya's bed.

"Selection time," Abir says, his eyes gleaming.

Shreya dives onto the bed, quite literally and rolls one of the pink comforters around her, making a cocoon out of it,"We are watching Chronicles of Narnia. No debate."

"That, my lovely sister, is a movie for kids," Abir answers, going through the drawer of DVDs and pen drives in Shreya's wardrobe.

"What are we?" Shreya pouts, giving me a baby face.

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