Chapter 10

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"Why the holy burnt oats did I even agree to this?! This was your idea!"

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"Why the holy burnt oats did I even agree to this?! This was your idea!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Fuck you."

"What are you waiting for?"

I turn around angrily to find myself looking at Abir, a smirk plastered on his face.

We have finally reached the tree we had been running towards, me stumbling in the black boots which I had oh so intelligently worn, refusing Ella's offer to wear a pair of Shreya's shoes which I as a matter of fact realised were 2 sizes shorter than my feet.


The rain had started, and mercilessly become more violent by the minute. I had had the absolutely amazing idea of trying to reach my house, only to get drenched in the process due to the heavy rain which the umbrella I had borrowed from Ella wasn't helping against and seek shelter under one the canopied trees at the roadside.
And I've the best company on the planet to see me stumbling in a overtight body fit dress and high heeled boots, my wet hair sticking to the sides of my face. Why did I even agree to sit down, if I had directly gone back home, we would have easily reached at the perfect time. Then the rain would have started while Abir would be going back and the flood would have washed him away from the face of this planet. Wouldn't that have been splendid?

BUT OBVIOUSLY THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. Instead, here I am, glaring at this idiotic definition of a human, who has the audacity to crack dirty jokes while I am trying to calm myself.

I try to straighten the umbrella which has become disoriented from the force of the wind to distract myself.
"You look like you're seconds away from having a volcanic eruption," Abir comments, clearly trying to keep a straight face and failing miserably.

"It might have escaped your notice but we're not in the best of situations," I say, as a raindrop finds it way through the leaves and lands on my head, followed by a few more.

Attention seeking raindrops.

"I think the situation is pretty okay, it's just that you can't walk with all that shit that you're wearing."

"Seriously?" I huff, managing to straighten the umbrella and handing it to Abir.

"Your house is just six or seven houses away, if we hurry with the umbrella we can easily reach it without getting drenched much," Abir answers, shrugging.

"Yes, and if we don't die of pneumonia halfway," I say, taking off my boots. As my bare feet touch the ground, a shiver runs through my body. I throw them at Abir, who catches them easily.

"Nice reflexes," I compliment, getting ready with the umbrella.

"I'm amazing, I know," he says. A smile finds it way to my lips and we start sprinting towards my house, the rain fighting to invade the umbrella and us going as fast as possible to find shelter from the shower of freezing water.

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