Chapter 10

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We had decided to head out of Thirío but since we all were exhausted from the previous incidents, we settled on resting for some time and immediately leave at the break of dawn since it was already quite late.

"So what now you're an Angel?", Shahid asked.

"I don't know, cause although I'm glowing like Luke I don't have wings and nor do I have any magic or powers!", I replied to him while stating the obvious.

To be honest I'm still in a dilemma, not physically but mentally. My thoughts feel as though they are waging a war inside my mind. I don't know why I feel as though all the clues and pieces are right there infront of me but yet I'm unable to put anything together. I'm unable to complete this puzzle that my mind is trying to create. Unable to see the bigger picture if there even is one.

"You must be tired from what happened earlier, you should rest we will talk about this later.", Shahid suggested in an attempt of not over worrying me.

"Yeah okay.", I said in a meekly tone.

How am I suppose to sleep after what has happened. What if another Jinn comes and kidnaps us again! No, I will not let that happen again especially not after how Leila was attacked and injured. "Oh Allah, please give me the strength to overcome these troubles and protect my friends.", I mentally begged him hoping that he will listen to my prayer.


"Ayanna, Ayanna, wake up we need to get going!", I heard Leila who I guess was nudging my shoulder.

I weakly pushed her aside and started rubbing my eyes and stretching. Hoping that will do the job and get rid off any remaining sleep.

"Aahhh, what time is it?", I asked feeling embarrassed if I might have over slept.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty it's almost sunrise!", Shahid replied.

"Sunrise! Weren't we suppose to leave at the break of dawn?", I asked while thinking why we are still here.

"Yes, we were supposed to but someone decided to over sleep and not budge at all up until now, so we decided to wait!", Commander Damien replied in an irritated tone.

"Sorry.", Is all I could say back feeling embarrassed.

How could I have slept for so long and when did I even fall asleep. I remember my brain being on the verge of a war thanks to all those questions and events running around like a wild goose up there. I was so preoccupied in trying to put all those pieces together and find some kind of an explanation to what is happening to me that I didn't even realize when I surrendered to the night and fell asleep.

"I guess we should get going, staying here any longer will only bring more trouble!", Luke stated and I took that as my cue to leave this retched place.


We were all walking in silence until Shahid and Leila decided to sneak up on me.

"So now what, you are going to leave us?" Leila suddenly asked almost giving me a heart attack.

"Wow, you almost scared the living soul out of me!", I exclaimed being surprised by her sneak move.

"No, who said so and why would I leave you?", I replied back while think about her question.

"Well, you are an Angel...", She trailed off with

"Firstly I'm not even sure if I am one, I agree I was glowing like Luke but other than that what proof do we have that I'm an Angel. Secondly you and Shahid are my only family here and I consider you guys as my siblings, so how can I leave you two. In fact you two are my world, there's no fun without you guys.", I immediately snapped at her.

On hearing that Leila instantly hugged me with tears in her eyes and Shahid also joined. Guess what, group hug! When we separated all eyes were on us. Commander Damien and Luke were staring at us with an expression of what's going on written all over their face.

"Uuhhmm....", I trailed off.

"Just continue walking!", Commander Damien said with his eyes shooting daggers at us.

Oh boy, and with that we continued walking. Shahid, Leila and I kept on talking about the previous incidents with me taking glimpses of the view and how the forest looks. We had been talking for so long that I hadn't even realized that other than us the forest was dead quite. No insects crawling here and there. No birds chirping even the leaves on the trees were as still as a statue. Shrugging it off I returned back to the conversation but before I could say anything my eyes landed on something intriguing. It was a very tall tree that looked like a face of a person was carved into it.

"What's that it looks like a face a person was carved into it?", I asked while walking towards it.

"Wait, don't touch tthhaatt...."


Hi guys

Another cliffhanger! So what do you think about Ayanna's thoughts? What puzzle has her mind created that she is desperately trying to complete? Do you think she will be able to put the pieces together and find out her real identity? What do you think that tree is that Ayanna spotted and why is she being told not to go towards it? Till next time folks.




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