Chapter 13

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It has been two moons now since the incident with Treebeard and I have neither spoken to anyone about my thoughts nor have we as a group discussed anything that Treebeard had said. However we still continued the journey to the royal castle with as much precaution as possible.

Commander Damien keeps on glancing at me with weary eyes as though any second something will happen to me. It's frightening to know that creatures that exist in fantasy novels are more informed about my existence than myself. "Oh Allah, what has all this been reduced to. What is it that these creatures have knowledge of that I don't?"

"Oh Allah, I am in dire need of your guidance. Please show me the right path as you are the knower of all knowledge and the best of the best protector's." I voiced out my plea to Allah in my mind.

As I was still caught up in my thoughts I had not noticed that I was walking way ahead than everyone else until a dark figure stood in front of me. On realising that I looked up to see who it could be and at just one glance I felt my heart beating at an unimaginable speed. There he stood, my worst nightmare ever with a sinister smirk plastered on his face.
Gythe, the very one that feeds on one's fear, and on realising that I tried to put on a brave mask of my own but Commander Damien had already strolled to us and had me covering behind him. Gythe instantly notices this and his sinister smirk widens even more. What does this all have to do with him.

"Well, well, if it isn't Commander Damien protecting the damsel in distress." Gythe seethes with sarcasm lacing his words.

"Watch your tongue Gythe! This is between you and I, there is no need to involve a mere human who does not even have the slightest knowledge of her own existence." Commander Damien roars out with fume brewing in him.

"Oh Damien, you and I are both aware that she is no mere human. There is certainly something special about her and I will surely get to the bottom of it." Gythe states with slyness spewing along with his words.

"Have I not warned you to let her be. Nevertheless to what have I been graced with your presence?", Commander Damien enquires as he gets even more irked by Gythes presence.

"Too much naiveness is beyond stupidity, Damien, or is it that you have forgotten your originality?", Gythe remarks attempting to fuel Commander Damien's anger.

"I am very well aware of my originality, I am Damien Salvador the fourth, Commander of the Royal Warrior Angels!", Commander Damien boomed getting furious by the minute.

"An Angel, is that what you want to become?", Gythe questions as though Commander Damien is not an Angel but rather a different species.

"I am already an Angel what more is there to be?" Commander Damien counters back.

"What about your other half? Have you remarkably forgotten your originality to such an extent that you no longer embrace it?", Gythe further questioned accusing Commander Damien's existence.

"Aah, my other half! A darkness that is bound to me to such an extent that it even lingers within the shadows.", Commander Damien states as the sudden realisation dawns upon him.

"Yes the very darkness, be warned it is awaiting your arrival! There is not many moons left. You can either embrace your originality or lose your existence. It is up to you now, choose wisely.", Gythe informed Commander Damien and with that he vanished in to a black smoke.

Gythe had left us all astonished. He had come to warn Commander Damien but why would he do that? Gythe is a Jin, they despise Angels to great ordeals yet he was here warning Commander Damien of his originality. What is it that is so harmful about Commander Damien's originality that a Jin had to come and warn him of it?
Is Commander Damien not an Angel? Is there something far greater to his existence?

Oh Allah, all these new questions are brewing a headache. Why am I only getting more questions and not even a single answer to any of my other questions. It seem as though I am in a loop of questions where either mine or someone else's existence is questioned. I wonder what this so called destiny is hinting towards.


Hi guys

It seems a confused Ayanna has become even more confused with this profound information. What relationship does Commander Damien and Gythe share that led to Gythe's arrival and to warn him?What is this so called darkness being mentioned of? Is Commander Damien an Angel or is there something far greater to his existence? Yet another loop of questions that have no answer to them. Let's await and see how destiny plays its role and whether it can accommodate to all the brewing questions. Till next time folks.




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