Chapter 15

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Leila's POV

It has been 3 days or what these so called creatures call moons since the appearance of Gythe and their confrontation with Commander Damien. Both Shahid and I are absolutely befuddled as to what is going on over here. First we find out that Ayanna is an Angel and now Commander Damien might be bipolar if such a thing even exists in this so called realm.

I am already petrified about my life after being kidnapped by Gythe and now this! Hold on, could this be connected to what Gythe had been speaking of when he had held me captured in that cave? Could all this be a conspiracy so that they can take over and spread evilness all over, even over Earth? Home, no they can't destroy it unless they find her? Who could she be? Well, who ever she was or is, she sounds very powerful as if she was part of some ancient legend... Oh well, who am I kidding this place in itself is ancient so what could be more legendary than this?

We have been constantly walking through this forest with minimum amount of sleep and rest ever since Gythe appeared. It seems as if Commander Damien has gone into some kind of panic mode as he is hell bent on getting us to the Royal Castle as soon as possible. What is he hiding so badly that he wants us to get off his back at the earliest? Could he be one of them as in a Jinn and is just pretending to be an Angel? Has he been fooling us all along and finally his mask is going to be removed? Well, if that was the case then I don't think he would have sworn his life into protecting us and Ayanna especially, however I might be wronged, who knows? Unfortunately, I don't know if the others have noticed but Commander Damien has officially made it to my list of suspicious people. Wait a second, scratch that it should rather be "suspicious creatures" as he is clearly not a human.

I have also noticed Commander Damien's growing fondness towards Ayanna. Has he been catching feelings for her? Oh boy, Ayanna you are surely trapped in one never ending roller-coaster! I truly feel sorry for you at such times. To be honest I actually kind of regret daring her to opening that book because just look at how things have turned out. Ayanna has gone ballistic about her identity, it's as if she no longer knows who she is. Just like a toddler learning and grasping new things about herself. I still however do not understand as to how she is an Angel. Was this all predestined by Allah or is there something else going on over here?

"Oh Allah, we are in dire need of your guidance, please give us some kind of sign so that we can at least have more faith that what ever is happening is happening for the best. We need to know whether we are on the right path or not.", I mentally prayed hoping that he somehow answers our prayers. I just need one sign however there are thousands of questions roaming around my mind. Oh boy, don't tell me  that I'm becoming an over curious mind just like Ayanna! Oh well, when you have absolutely no cooking clue as to what is happening around you, you are bond to develop an over curious mind.

Speaking of curiosity, sure we have discovered that Ayanna is an Angel and that is why she was sucked into this realm but what does it have to do with Shahid and I. We are not Angels and nor do we have any powers. We are just ordinary humans unless Shahid might know something that we don't know, after all he is the oldest amongst the three of us. I'm sure he must know something that I don't know off! I will just have to wait and ask him later about it but I doubt he will tell me anything, nevertheless my eyes are currently set on Commander Damien. He has been acting way too suspicious and I'm beginning to loose my trust in him, however most importantly we all need to be safe. Oh,  how I miss home! I just wish all this can end as soon as possible. I really miss my family back at home and I hope we would be able to go back and not be stuck in here forever.


Hi guys

Surprise, surprise! We finally have someone else's POV. So what do you all think about the endless questions that are running wild in Leila's mind? Why do you think Commander Damien is acting suspicious and so hell bent on getting them to the Royal Castle as soon as possible? Is Commander Damien actually bipolar or is there something else to it? Do you think whatever she might have heard when she was kept held in the cave could be possible? Who is she that Leila heard Gythe speaking off? Do you think she is the same she that was being spoken of in the prophecy? Ah yes, Commander Damien's fondness towards Ayanna has surely been noticed but will Ayanna be able to notice it as well? Yet again we have another endless loop of questions but all that these three friends want is to go back home. Will they be able to go back home, back to Earth? Till next time folks.




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