Chapter 12

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I was walking towards the tree that got me fascinated about it when I heard Commander Damien scream "Wait, don't touch tthhaatt....", but unfortunately in my eyes it was quite too late.

My hands were already scanning the texture of the tree. The bark felt smooth but also rough at the same time. It felt as though the tree was not just a tree but a living, walking creature. Even the slightest touch can tell the amount of energy flowing within it. On realising the amount of energy running a marathon within the tree something within the cells of my brain clicked, putting two and two together. This instantly made me feel how bad of an idea it was to come towards this tree and perhaps the fact that Commander Damien just swatted my hand away from the tree might be a confirmation to the realisation that just dawned upon me seconds ago.

As I was about to reprimand Commander Damien for his actions I felt a slight movement coming from the tree and what followed thereafter kept me rooted in my spot. It seems that what I had feared just came to life and there it was all high and mighty.

"Who dared to awake Treebeard the Oldest Ent of Ents that exist from it's slumber?", It asked in a loud roaring tone.

On hearing that I had no idea whether it was my bravery or my stupidity that was voicing out. Perhaps it was rather the fact that I was glued to my spot with my entire body radiating a sense of fight or flight thus giving the cells within my brain a heads up and before I even realized the words had already escaped from my mouth.

"It was I and I apologize for doing so...", I trailed off with while being stunned at my own words.

"Oh Allah, what have I done!", I thought to myself. Did I just provoke it? On the thought of that I sneaked a peak at the so called Ent but what came after made me feel bewildered to such a point that I'm pretty sure would be the most understated feeling in the entire universe. There it stood the all high and mighty creature feared by all as read and heard in many stories with a bright smile on its' face stretching from ear to ear and a glow radiating off it in the most positive way possible. Who would have thought that a creature feared by most including I would have such a positive aura breathing through its' roots.

"Oh Child, it's just you! What a pleasant surprise!", said the Ent in its' old raspy voice.

"H-how do y-you know me? Ents only exist in fantasies and I have been dragged in to this realm I have no knowledge of.", I asked it in a state of shock. How does something that I have only read off in books say that it knows who I am. "Oh Allah, what is going on here. Why am I here and who am I?"

"Oh Child, I have existed for over millennium moons, these roots hear and feel everything. As far as you being here, that is all destiny's game my Child.", it stated in its' own wisely manner.

"D-destiny? What game is it playing with me?", I asked in a rather too blunt tone.

"Oh child, that is something you will have to unravel with the help of your friends. Choose your friends very wisely my child as not all are who we think they seem to be. Destiny is playing it's part my child, beware to play your part wisely. Only believe what feels true to the heart and do not go astray from the path that has chosen you! There is lots to learn on this journey yet my child. Always believe in yourself, you have been born to do many great things.", Treebeard boomed in its wisely tone.

With that said I turned around to look at my friends, Shahid, Leila, Luke and Commander Damien with a suspicious eye still rooted in my spot. I am still unable to comprehend the words uttered by Treebeard. What more is there for me to learn? All this new information is only brewing more questions. Questions that I doubt anyone has the answers to besides this so called destiny.

As I turn around back to ask Treebeard more questions I heard him whisper "It is time for me to return back to my slumber. Be wise my child and follow your heart.", this was then followed by a yawn sprawling from its mouth.


Hi guys

It's been a while since I have last updated but I'm back now with more adventure and I now present to you chapter 12. Well, well what have we here! It seems that Treebeard has some knowledge about Ayanna. What destiny is he talking off and where would it lead Ayanna to? What path has been chosen for her? Yet again Ayanna is made to question herself and yet again we have too many questions to pry the answers off but will destiny be able to answer them all. Till next time folks.




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