Chapter 16

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It has been three moons since Gythe made his appearance causing everyone to be on edge. However, instead of being preoccupied about the thoughts of my wellbeing as well as that of my friends and the reason behind me being an angel, my mind is running wild in an endless loop of thoughts on the words spoken by Gythe.

There surely has to be some explanation behind his words but the fact that Commander Damien is hell bent on getting us to the Royal Castle as soon as possible does not really give much help to the situation. We have been constantly walking through this forest with minimum amount of sleep and rest along with Commander Damien panicking every now and then. I did not think Gythe's words would have such an effect on him, nevertheless Commander Damien is the leader of the Warrior Angels, I'm sure he has experienced such situations in the past, then why is he so fazed by it? What could he possibly be hiding from us?

Gythe had mentioned about Commander Damien's other half... What or who could this other half be? Well, it certainly cannot be another person as it is bound to him to such an extent that it even lingers within the shadows. What is it that is so harmful and malevolent about his originality that it has struck him with such trepidation? Cou - could he be what I think he might be? I-i have read of many books in which different races more like different types of creatures have mixed together creating a new and advanced race, so could it be possible that Commander Damien might be a hybrid, half Angel and half Jinn? No, no, it cannot be! He had clearly stated that he is an Angel and had sworn to protect my friends and I with his life. All this while I have never seen nor felt an ounce of evilness radiating of him, than how could it be possible? It just does not add up. There has to be another reason to all of this, I can feel it!

"Oh Allah, what is this feeling that constantly ignites within me at the very mention of his name?" Sure, I am aware of the fact that I am attracted to him, but this... This feeling is far greater than just an attraction. It is as if it is not a feeling of sparks but rather an invisible rope bonding us while we remain at the ends of it. How come I had not felt this before or perhaps I had not taken the time to acknowledge and neither get involved within the depths of my feelings and emotions towards Commander Damien. However, I cannot neglect them any longer as his actions continue to thrive my feelings for him further resulting in something I had never expected of occurring and that too this soon. It is time, I accept these feelings and allow it to blossom into something magnificent and majestic. It is time, I accept these emotions of love towards him that only wish to protect him from the evilness that incases us as he has been protecting me all along, while destiny plays its parts to an unknown future.

Oh destiny, I have no idea why you desired to drag me into a world I have no knowledge of. A world where I am not who I was brought up to be but rather to seek out that my existence was all a lie. I was deceived of my originality and still have no indication of where it all might lead too, yet there is Commander Damien who was aware of his originality but chose to forget it. Now it is the very thing that is haunting him, giving him another chance at rectifying his mistake. I hope he makes the right decision. Oh destiny, what kind of a play is this, but you better be playing your cards right as I have already smelt malevolence before I even entered this so called play of yours.

"Look there is the castle, we have almost reached it.", Luke stated, ending my repelling thoughts of what destiny has lead us to.

"Wow" is the only word that I could think of as I gasped at the beauty of the castle. There it stood in all its white glory. I wonder what its inside would behold when the outside of it is quite magical and intrancing.

"Well, what are we waiting for then. Let's get going, we need to find answers to all that is happening." Shahid said in an attempt to motivate us.

With that said we set off on our way to the Royal Castle, hoping that who ever resides there will have some sort of answers to all our questions and perhaps let us in on what destiny has in-store for us.


Hi guys

Oh boy, it seems Ayana has spilt quite a lot of her emotions however they have finally reached the Royal Castle. What do you think of Ayana's speculations towards Damien being a hybrid? Do you think it's possible? However, she does have some contradicting thoughts about all of this and not to forget that she is falling in love with him. Even though she has all these emotions and feelings towards Damien she isn't quite sure why she is feeling them or weather destiny is behind this as well. Oh destiny, Ayana is sure starting to loose faith in you but at last they have reached the Royal Castle hoping to get answers of their never ending questions. Till next time folks




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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