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Camilla's cousin Autumn, another Cervidian and intern at Xirxine, sat on the couch in his family's living room with his laptop, watching a video of a Xirxine report being given by Alice Jenkins, one of the top scientists at Xirxine Northwest.

"All Xirxine bases have been ordered to release all collected data to the governments and medical divisions of their respective countries," Jenkins was saying. "This data may then be transferred to other members of the United Nations at the behest of said governments."

"Booooo," Autumn said, making a "thumbs-down" gesture. "No fair."

"How is that not fair?" asked Winter, Autumn's little brother, who sat next to him.

"I dunno," Autumn replied with a shrug. "I just don't like how we don't have a barrier anymore, and how everyone knows about us now. Won't be long before we start getting tourists."

Winter made a face. "Like with Hawaiian shirts and cameras and everything? Yuck."

"My point exactly."

"I can't wait for tourists!" Summer gushed as she twirled into the room. "D'you think any cute boys will come? Omigosh, I'm so exciteeeeeeeeeed!"

"Easy, Summer," Spring warned, reclining on the couch adjacent to the one upon which Autumn and Winter rested. "You don't want to have your heart broken for the millionth time this week."

Summer stuck her tongue out at Spring.

"Grow up," Spring scoffed, turning on the TV (a gift from Xirxine International).

"...still have no information of the cause or source of this mysterious lightning bolt," a reporter was saying. An image depicting what appeared to be a horizontal green lightning bolt was juxtaposed next to her. "Meteorologists suspect a massive controlled energy discharge, but have let to pinpoint the location of such an event..."

"I saw that last night," Winter piped up. "It made the sky so bright!"

"I heard it was at midnight," Autumn said, shooting him a look. "What were you doing up?"

"Watching basketball highlights," Winter answered, waving his phone in the air. "And mentally practicing."

"Yeah, well, maybe some physical practice is in order, huh?" Autumn mussed Winter's hair, which made the younger Cervidian laugh. "C'mon," Autumn said, rising from the couch. "Let's head over to Z.P.A. and hit the gym."


"Have fun," Spring called as the boys left and Summer to their place on the couch. The elder twin glanced at the younger and asked, "So what do you think that thing was?"

"Huh? You mean the lightning?" Summer shrugged. "Don't know. Don't care."

"I should've known you wouldn't." Spring rolled her eyes and turned back to the TV.

"Reports have been coming in from across the globe concerning disturbing sightings of strange creatures, as well as a shockingly high number of disappearances, all occurring during the night..."

Spring and Summer turned to each other in surprise. "Care now?" the former asked.

"...Little bit," Summer answered meekly.

"If you have any knowledge concerning the whereabouts of the missing persons, please contact your local law enforcement..."


5. P R E D A T O R S : NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now