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Abidan paced behind Renee, rubbing his jaw as she spoke with the Serikali, Bari, and Dr. Woods.

"We've done some digging on your family, Doctor," Renee was saying. "You've got some interesting history. It's fascinating, really."

"Do you think so?" Dr. Woods looked amused at that. "I've always found it rather dull."

Renee shrugged. "We all have our own opinions. But I mean, come on—how many other people have an Old One for a great-grandfather?"

Bari's eyebrows shot upward. "Truly?" he asked, shocked.

"Drat! You've got me all figured out." Dr. Woods pressed the back of her hand against her head melodramatically. "I may as well surrender now."

"That's not the point of this," Renee snapped. "The point is, I want to know if your and Addison's connection to Yog-Sothoth has to do with why you want him."

Dr. Woods pursed her lips and tapped her chin with her pen. "No. It doesn't," she said finally. "I merely want what's mine."

Renee narrowed her eyes. "Then why would Jason...?" she began to mutter to herself.

"There's something else," Abidan said, interrupting her thoughts. "There's something deeper. Something that has to do with the Old One." He gritted his teeth in frustration. "But I can't put my finger on it!"

"It would be a tremendous help if you would tell us," Bari said to Dr. Woods in a dry tone.

"Secrets are meant to be stored, not shared," Dr. Woods scolded the acting director. "Unless they are sought out by a true seeker of knowledge, that is."

Renee's eyes lit up. "Knowledge," she murmured. Then, louder, she exclaimed, "Knowledge!"

"Knowledge?" one of the Serikali repeated. "Elucidate, Chairwoman."

"Yog-Sothoth is described as all-knowing in Lovecraftian mythos," Renee explained. "He can pass this knowledge to others through rituals." She turned on Dr. Woods, glaring at her. "Is that what you did? Did you gain knowledge from him in return for something else?"

"Perhaps I did, perhaps I didn't," Dr. Woods replied flippantly. "What is it to you?"

Renee fell silent at that. She closed her eyes, trying to think—to focus on everything she knew so far. "A reliable source told me that you are connected to a Giant that appeared in our haven," she said quietly, opening her eyes. "And I'm guessing that the Giant is connected to the other creatures that have been appearing worldwide. And if they are connected to the lightning bolt, then you're connected to that as well."

Dr. Woods showed her teeth in a half-grin filled with malice. "Ah, yes... so many connections," she breathed. "But can you connect the dots? Because that is the true test you face." She chuckled. "Your first day is almost up, dearest Renee. Two will remain. If you and the boy are not in my possession at the end of that period, Barakoa dies." She looked around at the Serikali, Bari, Snake, and Abidan, and added, "And everyone who knows of this dies with him."

"You don't have the capability to kill us all," Abidan retorted.

Dr. Woods simply smiled at that. "We'll see, won't we?"

Her side of the call ended abruptly, and the doctor disappeared.

Bari clenched his fists but managed to keep his cool as he turned to the chairpersons. "Abidan, Renee, I want you to form a list of facts," he said without missing a beat. "What do we know, and what can we do about it?"

5. P R E D A T O R S : NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now