Epilogue I

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"Convicted on one count of rape and multiple counts of torture, former Xirxine doctor Angelica Woods began her 80-year sentence today..."

"...much of the blame for the recent worldwide events has been placed on the doctor's shoulders, as she has been found to be responsible for releasing the creature known as Cthylla, who, along with Addison Derschwitz, opened an interdimensional pathway for the creatures that wreaked havoc across the globe..."

"...Derschwitz was quiet in court today, opting not to address any of the charges brought against him, including compliance and active participation in actions that led to the deaths of over a million people around the world..."

"...hailed as a hero by the both the U.S. and Canadian militaries as well as the Celestion Strike Force, the jury's opinion will doubtlessly be swayed by the eyewitness accounts presented before the judge..."

"...the Worthy's allies insist he was possessed by a primordial creature known as 'Vision', who compelled him to join forces with the Old Ones. However, Derschwitz himself was adamant today, claiming responsibility for everything Vision allegedly did..."

"...cleared of all charges, Addison Derschwitz left the courthouse a free man, much to the ire of the protesters on the steps outside..."

"...and as the world recovers from its most recent battle with alien invaders, brought about by an illegal creation of a formerly unsanctioned organization, we're once again left to wonder:

"Is Xirxine guilty?"

            Two planes waited on the runway as the sun rose

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Two planes waited on the runway as the sun rose. It was two weeks after the events of the Convergence, and much had transpired since then. The Protectors and Xirxine forces from the other Safe Havens had stayed behind to help clean up the mess in Northwest; Bari had done the same, opting to be active in his new role as permanent director rather than passive.

MacKenzie had made significant progress in terms of her recovery, though much of that was thanks to Mr. Barakoa, who had lent her some of his healing power (not too much, however—he was still recovering himself).

Dr. Woods had vanished from Xirxine after being set free by her pet cyborg, Kipzie. A search had ensued, but so far, nothing had turned up.

Now, with the Northwest Territories Safe Haven restored to some form of normalcy, Bari prepared to return to Xirxine International and continue his work from there. He and Snake stood side-by-side with their arms crossed at the boarding ramp. They both wore sunglasses to shield their eyes from the rising sun's light, as well as to hide the numerous bags that told the tale of all the work they'd put in over the last two months.

"There they are," Snake said, breaking the silence as a pair of figures approached. "Couple minutes early, too."

"He told me he didn't want to draw attention," Bari replied quietly.

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