Part II: CHAPTER VII, Part 1

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Note: This is a long one.


A brisk wind whispered through the Animal District, where Cameron and the Worthy stood around the spot where the Opening had taken place. The Protectors stood with their swords planted in the earth, keeping a solemn vigil as they waited for the call to arms.

Well, most of them were keeping a solemn vigil.

"I don't get it," Vision groaned in a whining tone. "Why aren't we on the front lines? Shouldn't we hit 'em hard and fast before they even reach the barrier?"

"We're the last line of defense, Addison," Cameron replied exasperatedly, her annoyed expression hidden by the helmet that came with her full Protector form. "We're here as a last resort, in case the monsters break through. If we were at the front and we fell, who would be able to stop them?"

"We're on business terms, ma'am," Vision reminded her, stretching and putting his hands behind his head (leaving his sword sticking out of the ground on its own). "Call me 'Vision'. Or 'V', if you're feelin' chummy."

"Your name," Cameron said, clipping her words, "is Addison. So that's what I'm going to call you."

"Fine. Sheesh." Vision took a hit from his cigarette and flicked it into the woods. "So touchy."

"I cannot wait to have Addison back," Zill grumbled.

"I hear you," Kayla agreed with a sigh.


General Trask grimaced as an eerie howl emanated from the depths of the Oceonica. "Here they come," he muttered to General Dawes.

"Uh-huh." Dawes cocked her automatic. "You ever seen one of 'em?" she asked.

"Yeah. Big ol' skinless cow thing was walkin' around right outside my house." Trask cracked a grin. "Sounds crazy, eh?"

"I was wondering when you'd say that," Dawes replied with a smirk. "Guess you're not as Canadian as I thought."

Trask rolled his eyes. "Everyone's a critic."

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