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The Northwest Safe Haven's prison was once a slapped-together combination of wood, brick, and iron. Now, following extensive renovations performed during the Breaking of the Pacts, Petrus Draconis's attempted coup, and Xirxine's subsequent merger, the prison was a massive detention center run and patrolled by both Havenites and Xirxine Soldiers.

A great number of cells were home to the Cthulhu cultists, who had invaded the Safe Haven earlier in the week, while the rest housed common criminals as well as vampires, demons, and other evil creatures. One such prisoner was the one-time Queen of Crime and former leader of Cthulhu's cultists: Cierra.

Zillion Martinez's aunt and trainer was finally being transferred to her permanent cell after a long four days of questioning. Dressed in an orange jumpsuit and high-tech cuffs that completely enveloped her wrists and hands, Cierra was escorted to her cell by two guards in red-and-white Xirxine armor. "Enjoy your thirty-seven life sentences," one of them told her with a snicker, his taunting expression hidden by his helmet. "That should be more than enough time to think about what you've done."

"I'll be thinking of tearing your heart out of your chest, fool," Cierra muttered, keeping her eyes down.

The guards both laughed and shoved her into the cell before closing the doors. They spoke to each other in joking tones as they walked away, leaving Cierra to stare at the wall with her back to the bars.

"Glad you decided to join us, boss."

Cierra turned her head to the left, where, through the window in her wall, she could see one of her former accomplices, a fox named Lauretta (codenamed "Six"), reclining on her cot. "Six," Cierra said in a condescending tone. "Of course they'd put me in a cell next to you."

"Ha! You think it's just me?" Lauretta sneered. "Check your right, Your Majesty."

Cierra turned to her right.

In the other cell, a cat—recognized as Lorelai, codenamed "Emo"—was sharpening a shank, which she normally kept hidden under her cot.

"Both of you, stay away from me," Cierra growled. "I have ascended above your petty ways."

"Yeah... and that's why you ended up in here—with us." Lauretta rolled her eyes. "Get over yourself, Cicero."

"MY NAME IS SYHA'H!" Cierra thundered, slamming her cuffs against the bars in the window. "You will address me as such!"

"Oh, sweetie, you know I would—if I could pronounce it," Lauretta replied, falsely apologetic. "But I'm not even gonna try."

"Hey, Six! Don't forget to tell 'er that I'm here, too!" another familiar voice, belonging to Haley (codename "Lipstichz"), called out.

"By the Old Ones," Cierra groaned. "Not her, too..."

"Oh, but that's not all, boss," Lauretta sneered. "Turn around and you'll see who's across the hall."

Cierra spun quickly.

Staring back at her, clutching the bars of her cell, was the most unpredictable maniac of the group: a pale gray humanoid with stringy blonde hair covering her face, leaving only her crooked grin visible. She was nameless, going only by her codename "Pop"—in her case, for the sound her many guns made when fired.

"And here I was, thinking Xirxine was above psychological torture," Cierra grumbled, sitting down heavily on her cot.

"It's a long drop from the top, huh, Cicero?" Lipstichz chittered. "Look atchya—big-time Cthulhu flunky gets bagged like the rest of her forgotten teammates."

5. P R E D A T O R S : NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now