Vacation Information

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Location : Ben's Dorm
Time : 4:05pm
POV : Ben

So I'm lying on my bed in my dorm thinking about what

I'm gonna do this summer since theres no Spy Camp.

(I too lazy to go check if its spy camp so please tell me if I'm wrong)

I forgot to say I'm Benjamin Ripley, 3rd year at Spy School.

"Hey Ben!" Mike said while knocking on my door making me get out of my train of thought. "Mike it's unlocked" "Oh" He said while walking in

"So what do you plan to do this summer" I asked "Oh yeah that reminds me were going to Las Vegas!" He said with a huge grin.

I just sat there thinking "Oh crap not another mission".

Then I asked "Its not a mission is it?" I asked in a worried tone.

"Nope just me,you,Zoe, and Erica going!"Mike said I broke out into a huge smile.

"When do we leave!" I asked with a enthusiastic voice (idk if thats a thing but imma go with it) "3 hours" he said.

"3 Hours! I still have to pack up" I said "Don't worry thats plenty also meet outside at the school gate in 3 hours" Mike said while leaving.


"Hey Erica" I said while running up to her at the gate "Hello" she said coldly "How are you?"
"Fine" "Aren't you excited Erica" I said enthusiastically "I guess I am" She said.

Thats when Mike and Zoe came running up "Your late" Erica said "Actually were 10 minutes early" Zoe said "Whatever" Erica said while rolling her eyes.

A black SUV pulled up to the curb "Hello Children" Said a chirpy British accent "Catherine!"

We all yelled except Erica "Oh Erica come on now enjoy this vacation" Catherine said.

300 words not counting this
Also first chapter 🥳🥳 thanks everyone for reading!!!

Spy School : Going To Las VegasWhere stories live. Discover now