Movie Day

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Location : Las Vegas Suburbs
Time : 10:43am
POV : Zoe

I've been up already for two hours till everyone else decided to get up "Mornin Sleepyheads".

I said cheerfully "Mornin" they said groggily
"I made breakfast!" I said "What'd ya make" Mike asked like he didn't just wake up "Salad" I said teasingly.

But Mike and Ben didn't sense this and looked at me In disgust and Erica raised an eyebrow at me and mouthed Seriously.

"Guys I was joking" I said and they obviously mentally face palmed "Then what'd you actually make?" Ben asked.

"Bagels and bacon" I said while passing out the food "Me and Ben were thinking we could all go watch a movie today" Erica said while I handed her a salad.

"Sounds good what movie?" Mike asked "Mortal Kombat" Ben said "Ooo I've been wanting to watch that movie!" I said.

"I already got the tickets" Erica said and we looked at her In shock "What? They don't call me the great Erica Hale for nothing" She said and we all laughed.

"The movie Is at 10pm" Erica said.


"We're here!" I announced to my friends "Sweet" Mike said.

We all hopped out of the car and walked In, got lost a bit In the huge movie theater looking for our room.

"Found It" Zoe said, we walked over to her and we walked In the room and to are seats.

We watched the movie and when the movie ended It was 1:30am and we drove home and fell asleep

I know It was a boring chapter but just wait till the next on :)

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