Midnight Troubles

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Location : Las Vegas Suburbs
Time : 1:22am
POV : Ben

I woke up to someone talking but not some else but to them selves.

I sat up and saw Erica In the corner of the room crying but she didn't notice me.

Then I saw something she had a gun In her hand. She started to raise It to her head mumbling to herself "I'll see you".

She placed the barrel right next to her forehead.

Then I lunged at her and took the gun. "ERICA NO" I shouted then whispered "W-why".

"B-ben Im sor-r-ry" "Erica why" I said while crying softly and hugging her.

"Grandpa he di-e-d" then I started kissing her passionately and she started kissing back.

We kissed for 5 minutes before we broke away but I'm still hugging her "Ben Im sorry" she said still crying on me but I didn't care.

"Shhhh Erica fine just explain to me what happened or we could call Catherine" "I'll explain to you" "Ok".

"What happened Is I got a text a hour ago from the CIA and they informed me that Grandp-pa
had a he-e-art at-tack last nig-g-ght".

Then I asked softly "Why were you gonna kil-l yourself".

"I was so close to h-him and I lo-v-ve h-him" Then she started kissing me again but broke away after 14 seconds.

"I love you I hope you know" I said worried tone "I know" she said but her voice was hoarse "Wanna go get some water?" I asked softly, she nodded.

We left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"You go sit down on the couch and turn on the TV and I'll get you some water" She nodded.

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and poured some water Into It.

I grabbed the glass and walked back over to her "Here you go" I said.

She took a slip and said "Thanks Ben" I nodded and said "Anytime".

We turned on Vampire Diaries on Netflix and cuddled till we we're both about to fall asleep.

I turned off the TV and was about to pass out then she said "I love you too Ben".

Please don't think I just taking suicide as a joke Its the real deal If you are suffering please know we care about you and please call The National Suicide Prevention Hotline the number Is 800-273-8255

I know this chapter was a kinda dark but sweet at the same time but I hope you enjoyed :) ❤️❤️

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