Rent House Problems

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Location : Rent House In the Las Vegas Suburbs
Time : 12:34 am
POV : Ben

Before I start this part I'm just gonna say I'm skipping the rest of the flight and the drive to the rent house :)

When we arrived to the rent house we realized there was only to bedrooms with one bed in each.


When we found this out we sat staring at each other awkwardly.

"Um ok guys Its gonna be Ben and Erica the me and Zoe" Mike said.

"Well I'm gonna go hit the hay"Zoe and Mike said in sync.

"Goodnight" I said to them then they walked away but not before Mike winked at me with a grin.

"So... wanna go to bed?" I asked her "Yeah I guess" Erica said.

We grabbed our bags and put them and went to bed.

I'm so powerful

I woke up to something I would have never expected, Erica's arms and legs wrapped around me and her head on my chest.

I was gonna get up because it was 8am but I decided not to because I would wake Erica up.

After about a another hour I decided to wake her up.

"Erica wake up" I said while shaking her lightly
"Huh what why" She asked groggily "Because Its 9:08 in the morning" I said.

"Oh" she said.
Just then she realized she was cuddling me she cursed under her breath and then said "Sorry" "Its fine, now lets go get breakfast" I said enthusiastically.

"Ben you might wanna put on a shirt first" She said and I turned into a cherry and she started giggling.

I put on a shirt and we started heading downstairs where Mike and Zoe we're.

Mike waved me over to him "Good morning" I said while taking a seat next to him.

"How was sleeping with Erica" He said with a wolfish grin.

"Fine, how was your night with Zoe" I said slyly, right when he was gonna answer Erica walked over and asked us If we wanted bacons and eggs "Sure" Me and Mike said in unison.

We got up and started to walk over there and we saw Zoe putting the food on plates and preparing a salad for Erica.

"Good morning" I said to Zoe "Morning" She said enthusiastically "Why are you so excited" Erica asked In a confused tone.

"I got us tickets to a waterpark! And they were super cheap!" She said with so much enthusiasm It was infectious.

"When do we go!" I said with a huge smile "Right after breakfast so eat fast" She said while handing out the food "Thanks Zoe" we said in unison.

After we finished eating we got are swimming suits on got some towels and got in the rent car "I call shotgun" I shouted.

"Sure but you don't get a shotgun" Erica said "Thats fine" We put all of the bags in the trunk. "Everyone ready?" Erica asked "Yup" we said in sync.

About 37 minutes we got there, we all grabbed our bags and headed to entrance.

"Tickets please" asked the employee at the desk "Here you go" I said while handing her our tickets.

She checked them out and said "You can go in" She said "Last one to the pool is a bad spy!" Mike said and started booking it to the pool. First was Erica, then Zoe and Mike, and lastly me .

"Dang It" I muttered then jumped into the pool then Erica swam up to me and put a arm around me and said.

"You and Mike were very close to a tie so don't get down" She said nicely which catch me off guard "Never knew you could be so good at cheering people up Erica" I said and she giggled "Learned it from the best" She said "Wanna go down the slides?" I asked "Sure!" She said enthusiastically.

Dang 660 words bot counting this I hope you enjoy this chapter :D

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