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Location: Las Vegas Suburbs
Time : 9:10am
POV : Ben
Date : July 7th

I woke up and thought about it, today was a sad day not just because of what happened yesterday Its that everyone was leaving besides us living at the house.

I sat there thinking and hearing Erica snoring softly next to me with her arms and legs wrapped around me.


My phone went off so I grabbed It but woke up Erica.

"Good morning" I said "Mornin" She replied groggily.

"How long have you been up?" She asked "About twenty minutes" I replied "Oh Ben you could have gotten up" She replied.

"Yeah but cuddling with you Is the best" I said with a huge grin.

She just giggled and got up to change out of pajamas.

"Leaving already?" I said with a fake pouting face.

She just playfully punched me and smiled and I got dressed too.

We walked downstairs and saw a note saying Sorry children we had to leave In the middle of the night because of mission thanks for your hospitality we also brought the others with us to D.C - Yours truly Catherine

We were bummed that Catherine and Alexander had to leave early.

"Hey Ben wanna go watch movies" Erica asked
"Sure" I replied and kissed her forehead.

I know short chapter but next one Is gonna be epic and sadly Its gonna be the last chapter - Yours truly GoodGuyMason

See what I did there

I copied Catherine's note


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