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Location : Las Vegas Suburbs
Time : 4:04am
POV : Ben
Date : August 1st

I woke up to the familiar smell of chloroform and then the dark overtook me and I blacked out.

Location : Unknown
Time : Unknown
POV : Ben
Date : August 1st

I woke up In a chair with my arms and legs tied to it with rope and I am gagged.

I looked around and saw none of my friends and I began to wonder If they just kidnapped me?

Then Murray walked In with a evil grin "Long time no see friend" He said and I just stared daggers at him.

"Hey hey hey I mean no harm but they might" Murray said and gestured towards the door and who walked In made my jaw drop.

Joshua, Zoe, Ashley, and Warren and I just sat there gaping at Zoe.

Then they took out my gag "ZOE YOU LITTLE PRICK HOW COULD YOU" I screamed at her and she just looked at her feet.

"Calm down their Ripley" Joshua said and put a hand over my mouth.

"Remember how you made me all of these limbs well guess what we are here to get even with you" Joshua continued and handed Zoe a gun.

"You know the orders and Ripley any final words? He asked while taking his hand off my mouth "Zoe listen to me and I mean this In the nicest way possible, you fucked up" I said with a menacing tone she looked at me sadly while raising the gun to my head.


They all dropped to the ground dead and Erica came In a hugged me and said "I'm sorry".

Im sad to say but that was the final chapter of this book and I'm gonna start a sequel soon I promise and hopefully this was a good last chapter.

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