Airport Shenianigans

522 6 7

Location : Spy School Gate
Time : 7:10
POV : Ben

"Fine Mother" Erica said in a annoyed tone "Ok children we must go now before we miss your flight!" Catherine said.


"We're here!" Catherine announced, "Let's go!" I said.

We grabbed our bags and went through security.

Everyone else went through except me because I was last "Step through sir" the guard said "Ok" I said and of course I tripped "Clumsy kids" the security guard muttered.

Erica shot him a death glare and helped me get up "Thanks" I said.

Finally I got through security and we said our goodbyes to Catherine.

"Flight 421 is leaving soon, I repeat Flight 421 is leaving soon" The announcer said "Oh crap! Thats are flight!" Mike said.

We all starting booking it there"Tickets please" Airplane Attendant said.

We gave her our tickets and boarded the plane.

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you like it!

Next part hint


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