4th of July Party

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Location : Las Vegas Suburbs
Time : 5:37pm
POV : Erica
Date : July 3rd

Me and Ben walked downstairs to go greet them and tell them that we're dating.

"Hi Catherine" Ben said happily "Good to see you too Benjamin" Mom said while wrapping Ben Into a hug.

"Hi Mother" I said "Hello sweetheart" She said and wrapped me Into a hug.

"Hi Alexander" Ben said and shook his hand "How are you Ben?" My dad asked "Doing great" He replied.

"Mom, dad me and Ben have something to tell you" I said nervously they looked at me with confused faces.

"Were dating" Ben said and they wrapped us both Into a hug again.

"I knew It would happen eventually" Mom said happily.

"I'm fine with you two dating but I don't wanna be a grandpa yet" Dad said.

Me and Ben just turned Into tomatoes then Mike and Zoe came through the front door.

"Where we're you guys" Ben questioned "Shopping for the party" Zoe said and then they both noticed mom and dad.

They ran and gave mom and dad a hug "Its good to see you guys too" Mom said.

"Catherine may I help you prepare dinner for tonight and the party tomorrow" Zoe asked "I don't see why not" My mom replied.

For the rest of the night we ate dinner, talked, and laughed together till we we're all tired.

Mike and Zoe were the first to go upstairs snd me and Ben were about to tell my mom said this.

"Seriously you two no children yet" She said with a serious and teasing tone to her voice.

Me and Ben got In bed and passed out cuddling together.

Location : Las Vegas Suburbs
Time : 9:01am
POV : Ben
Date : July 4th

When I woke up I realized Erica wasn't there so I got dressed and went downstairs.

When I got down there I saw Catherine and Zoe making breakfast and Erica talking to her mother.

"Morning" I said "Good morning Benjamin" Catherine replied, Erica just waved and smiled and I smiled back.

"Morning Ben" Zoe said then Alexander walked down "Ah good morning Benjamin" He said and I just waved.

Then Catherine asked me "Benjamin would you be a dear and go get up Michael" I nodded and headed upstairs to his room.

I walked In and saw he was In a deep sleep so I naturally did what everyone else would do.

I scared him by saying I was a SPYDER agent and got a knee to the groin.

"The heck was that for" I yelled "For scaring me" He replied then Erica came up and judo flipped him "Thanks E" I said gratefully then she walked back down stairs.

"I guess I should of expected that" He groaned
I just grinned at him and helped him up.

"Breakfast Is ready" Catherine shouted and we walked downstairs and I sat next to Erica.

"Here you are children" Catherine said while passing the food "Thanks" we all said In sync.

We all ate are food and talked then we discussed the plan for the party.

"Children how about I plan the party you children may go do stuff till three o'clock" Catherine said we all nodded expect Zoe.

"Catherine may I please help with the planning" "Sure" She replied.

"Hey Erica what do you wanna do?" I asked her
"Watch Vampire Diaries" She replied "Ok" I said.

"Me and Erica are gonna go watch some movies" I announced and took her hand and walked upstairs.

We watched Vampire Diaries for a while then Erica said "I love you" then started kissing me and I put my arms around her waist and started kissing back.

Erica slipped her arms around my neck and kept kissing me till we realized Catherine and Alexander were watching us.

Me and Erica were both tomatoes and they looked at us and said "Um Erica honey I was wondering if you wanted the party food or salad" Catherine asked.

"Salad please" Erica said then they closed the door and walked back downstairs.

For the rest of the time me and Erica cuddled till three and we walked downstairs.

Then we saw all the food and I starred In awe and Erica just was normal like It was casual.

Then the guests started to arrive and the guests were Chip, Jawa, Trixie.

Me and Erica greeted them all first was Chip "Whats up dude" he said and gave me a fist bump.

"Nothing much" I replied then greeted Jawa with a high five.

Then Trixie got here and she hugged me and Erica and then said "Is It true".

"Is what true" I questioned and then I realized what she was talking about "Yes Its true" I said and she gave me a bear hug and said.

"Take care of my sister" She said In a serious tone which caught me off guard.

Trixie pet go of me then went to go talk to Mike since they were dating.

Then we talked and partied the rest of the night and Chip and Jawa didn't believe we were dating so we kissed.

Then It was fireworks time and I was the one to light the fireworks.

"Everyone ready?" I asked they all yelled from the deck "Yeah".

Then I light them off and they cheered but one turned around and headed straight for me but I didn't move In time.

BOOM then I blacked out.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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