Date Night

366 6 4

Location : Olive Garden
Time : 7:54pm
POV : Ben


I'm waiting at the table for Erica to arrive and I'm freaking out not to do something stupid In front of her.

Then she arrived and she was beautiful, she had a black dress on and high heels and this just proves my point even farther that she Is the most beautiful person In the world.

I waved her over to my table and she smiled at me and I smiled back "Hi Erica".

"Hello Ben" "You look beautiful I hope you know" she giggled and said "Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself".

"Thanks, so what do you want to order?" I asked "I'll get the Fettuccine Alfredo, what are you going to get?" She asked cheerfully.

"I'm gonna get the Pasta e Fagioli" I said just as cheerful as her, then the waiter came.

(Before you ask yes I looked up the Olive Garden menu because I wanna be as realistic as possible :D )

He walked up and politely asked "Are you guys ready to order?".

"Yes we are I'll get the Fettuccine Alfredo" she said then I said "And I'll get the Pasta e Fagioli please".

"And what would you guys like to drink" He asked "I'll have a water to drink please" she said and I said "Me too please" "Coming right up" he said then walked away.

I grabbed one of the breadsticks and offered one to her and she smiled and grabbed It and I asked "How are you?".

"I'm good how are you?" "Great!" I said chirpy "What do you want to do tomorrow I was thinking we could go to the movies all of us but what do ya think?" I asked.

"The movies sound fun I've been wanting to watch the Mortal Kombat movie for a while" She said.

"Same I have been to" then the waiter came with are food.

"Here Is your food" he said while handing it to us "And your drinks" he said then handed us our drinks "Thank you sir" we said In unison.

For the rest of the date we had talked,laughed and ate our food and It was one of the best times of my life.

At the end and I payed she said "Ben I had a great time, see you later" then she kissed me on the cheek and left while leaving me dumbfounded.

How was that chapter readers? Hope you enjoyed and hope you have a great day or night❤️❤️❤️

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