Hospital Time

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Location : Las Vegas Hospital
Time : 11:57am
POV : Ben
Date : July 5th

I woke up to the sounds of beeping and someone or something crying.

They I smelled there scent Lilacs and Gunpowder, Erica!

I shot up In bed and hugged her and she started kissing me.

"What the heck happened" I questioned as we broke away and I looked at my arms and my back In a mirror.

"One of the fireworks turned around mid air and came back at you" She sobbed and I rubbed her back and said "I'm fine Erica".

Then everyone else showed up and looked shocked when they looked at.

"Yeah I know" I said while they rushed up to hug me.

"Nice scar" Mike said I looked confused then looked In the mirror again.

And there was a huge scar on my chin and I though like I look good with this scar.

"Oh Benjamin I'm sorry I should have not had you do the fireworks" Catherine said while holding back tears.

"Catherine Its fine I wanted to do them" "But all the burn marks on your body" "Its fine Catherine seriously".

Then the doctor came In saying "Your lucky to be alive young man" which earned him glares from everyone even Alexander.

Which startled him and then I asked "How long till I can leave" "Tomorrow so we can put this cream on your burns they only take a day to work off the burns" he replied.

Erica looked sad then I hugged her and said "I love you" "I love you too" then everyone said there goodbyes and left.

Location : Las Vegas Hospital
Time : 5:22am
POV : Ben
Date : July 6th

I woke up to Erica tapping lightly on my shoulder "Ben time to walk up" she said.

"Ok" I replied groggily and sat up and got out of bed and realized I was only In a hospital gown.

"Don't worry I brought some extra clothes for you" Erica said and handed me them I grabbed and went to the bathroom to change.

I got dressed and walked out then me and Erica left.

We got In the car and Erica drive back to the house.

When we got there everyone was still asleep and me and Erica were still sleepy so we went to are bedroom.

"I missed you Ben" Erica said while we were cuddling and she started kissing me and used her tongue and she whimpered In pleasure and kept kissing me till we both passed out.

I hope you liked this chapter.

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