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I was roughly pulled along the shore, than pushed into a longboat. Once we got back on the pearl, I took notice that our entire crew was chained up, by Sao Feng's men.

I walked behind Barbossa and than I saw that my father was trying to hide behind anyone he could and I just sighed.

"Sao Feng...you showing up here, it is truly a remarkable coincidence." Barbossa began and as he talked I watched as my father hid behind him now.

"Jack Sparrow." Sao Feng said and my father poked his head out from Barbossa. "You paid me great insult once."

"That doesn't sound like me." My father muttered. Sao Feng than punched him in the face and I quickly took out my knife, holding it to Sao Feng.

"Last time was a warning stab, I'm willing to actually kill you this time." I stated, putting the knife closer to his neck.

"There's no need for that Blair." Barbossa said, pressing down onto the knife. I let out a huff and put the knife back in the holster. I than looked to my father and I watched as he put his nose back in its place. Cringing at the nose.

"Shall we call it square, then?" He asked, still clutching his nose.

Will than pushed through the crowd. "Release her. She's not part of the bargain." He said, pointing at Elizabeth. I just looked at him stunned.

"And what bargain is that?" I asked.

"You heard Captain Turner." Sao Feng announced. Me and my father both gave him wide eyes as the crew started laughing. "Release her!"

"Captain Turner?" My father questioned.

"Aye, that perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us!" Gibbs informed.

"I need the pearl to free my father." Will stated.  "It's the only reason I came on this voyage."

I just looked at him with sad eyes and he caught my gaze, but ignored it.

"Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?" Elizabeth asked as she walked up to Will.

"It was my burden to bear." He replied.

"He needs the Pearl. Captain Turner needs the Pearl." My father said, making his way into the middle of everyone. "And you felt guilty. And you and your Brethren Court. Did no one come to save me, just because they missed me?" He asked, yelling. I raised my hand, followed by Marty, Pintel, Ragetti and the monkey Jack. "I'm standing with them."

He went to walk towards us and Sao Feng grabbed the back of his shirt, stopping his movements. I placed my hand on my knife again and someone pointed a gun to my face.

"I'm sorry, Jack, but there is an old friend who wants to see you first." Sao Feng informed.

"I'm not certain I can survive any more visits from old friends." He than pushed him to the edge of the boat and someone pushed me along as well.

"Here is your chance to find out." Sao Feng said. I than noticed the white sails and my jaw fell slack.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath.

Me and my father arrived on the East India Trading Company ship. We were dragged along the deck until we were brought down below and pushed through a set of double doors.

I looked around and noticed we were in an office and standing, facing the wall was Beckett. I went for my knife and my father placed his hand on my arm.

"No." He muttered. I just looked at him confusion and surprise.

"But this is our chance." I said barley above a whisper. Before my father could respond he was interrupted.

Blair Sparrow 3Where stories live. Discover now