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We arrived back on the black pearl and everyone aboard stared daggers into my own eyes, I clutched onto my jacket a little. I could hear a few of them asking.

"Where's the captain?"

"What did she do with her father?"

"We're all gonna die."

"We'll need to use the black pearl as a flag ship to lead the attack." I said. Walking next to me Will and Elizabeth. We stopped walking when we came up upon Barbossa. Tia Dalma was being pulled up deck, with ropes wrapped around her.

"Oh will we know?" Barbossa snarled.

"All right Mrs Fish. Come on." Pintel said.

"Barbossa. You can't release her." Will stated. Suddenly a bunch of pirates placed guns to all our heads, expect Barbossa's.

"We need to give my father a chance." I expressed. Barbossa turned to face me.

"Apologies, your Majesty. Too long my fate has not been in me own hands." He than moved over to Elizabeth and yanked the necklace off of her. I started thrashing around in my captor's grip and he tightened his grip on my arms.

He walked over to Tia Dalma and dropped the necklace into a bowl, that Pintel was holding.

"Be there some manner of rite or incantation?" Gibbs asked.

"Aye. The items brought together, done. Items to be burned." Gibbs than poured some rum into the bowl, as someone handed Barbossa a cannon lighter. "And someone must speak the words: Calypso I release you from your human bonds."

"Is that it?" Pintel asked.

"Tis' said it must be spoken as if to a lover."

"Oooo." The entire crew groaned.

Barbossa raised the lighter and basically yelled. "Calypso, I release you from your human bonds!" He than went to light it and it did nothing.

"Is that it?" Pintel asked.

"No, no, no he didn't say it right." Ragetti piped up, earning a glare from Barbossa. "He didn't...you have to say it right." Ragetti than faced Tia and whispered into her ear the, incantation.

Suddenly a giant flame burst from the bowl and they pushed her body towards the smoke. She in inhaled it and than Will moved forward.

"Tia Dalma! Claypso!" She than faced him, making the bowl drop to the deck. "When the Brethren Court imprisoned you. Who was it that told them how? Who was it that betrayed you?"

"Name him!" She ordered.

"Davy Jones."

Her eyes filled with sadness as her lip began to tremble. Her body than began to grow, larger and larger until she was basically a giant towering over us.

My captor let go of me and I backed away, along with Elizabeth and Will.

Once she was fully grown, Barbossa kneeled and we all followed suit. "Calypso. I come before you as but a servant humble and contrite. I have fulfilled me vow and now ask your favour. Spare me self, me ship, me crew. But unleash your fury upon those who dare pretend themselves your masters or mine."

She began yelling something in another language and her body than burst into a bunch of crabs. Causing the deck to be flooded with them.

"BLOODY HELL!" I divided towards the deck and covered my face as a wave of crabs flooded over top of me. The crabs than began to fall overboard, until ninety percent of them were back in the water.

I rolled over, when I felt a pinch in my back. "Ow, ow." I reached behind me and grabbed a crab off my back, throwing it over board.

"Need some help?" I heard Elizabeth asked. She offered her hand and yanked me to my feet.

"Is that all?" Will asked. We all looked over board for anything and nothing happened. But suddenly a strong wind began to fill the air.

Someone's hat blew through the air into the clouds. "It's not over." I said.

"There's still a fight to be had." Will added.

"We've an armada against us, and with the Dutchman, there's no chance." Gibbs expressed.

"There's only a fool's chance." I sighed.

"Revenge won't make your childhood less depressing, Blair. And it's not something I'm intending to die for." Barbossa said. Making my blood boil.

"You're right." I than began to walk past him. "Than what shall we die for?"

I walked up to the railing and jumped on top of it, clutching onto a rope for support. "Listen!" I screamed. "The Brethren Court will still be looking here to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead. And what will they see? Frightened bilge rats aboard a derelict ship? No. No, they will see free men and women." I said pointing to Elizabeth. "And they will see freedom! And while the enemy will of us is the flash of our cannons. They will hear he ring of ours swords and they will know what we can do! By the sweat of our brows , and the strength of our backs. And the courage of our hearts. Gentlemen and Elizabeth. Hoist the colours."

"Hoist the colours!" Will yelled.

"Hoist the colours!" Elizabeth yelled.

"Hoist the colours!" Ragetti yelled.

"Hoist the colours!" Pintel yelled.

"Aye! The winds on our sides boys. That's all we need!" Gibbs hollered. The crew burst out in cheers and I turned to face the other ship.


Every ship began lifting their colours as shouting and cheers filled the air. I ran through the crowd and arrived at the wheel. I looked towards my crew, seeing our flag being lifted into the air.

My heart just warmed seeing the sight of it flap through the wind. Will and Elizabeth came to my sides, giving me nods of approval.

At this moment I felt like I was the most powerful Pirate in the world and all I wanted was to drive my sword through Beckett's chest.

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