Shipwreck Cove

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Last night Will was thrown over board by my father, after he escaped the brig.

I watched from the shadows as they talked and my father sent him over, He didn't know that I saw him and I'm gonna keep it that way...for now.

We finally arrived at Shipwreck Cove after traveling for so long.

"Look alive and keep a weather eye." Gibbs shouted as he walked along the deck. "Not for naught it's called Shipwreck island. Where like Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck."

"You heard him! Step lively." Pintel shouted.

"You know for all that pirates are clever cogs, we an unimaginative when it comes to making things." My father stated.

"Aye." Gibbs said.

"I once'd sailed with a geezer who lost both of his arms and part of his eye."

"What'd you call him?" I asked.

"Larry." He replied thank walked up to the helm.

Me and Gibbs just looked at each other and small smiled crept on our faces. I walked up the stairs and leaned against the railing.

"Blair, can I talk with you for a moment?" My father asked. I spun around and faced him.

"Yeah, is everything okay?"

"Yes, it's just deary, this place is dangerous." He muttered. I just looked at him and titled my head to the side.

"I can handle dangerous." I smiled.

"Just, do me a favour, stay by my side." I nodded my head and a small smile spread across his face. "Thank you."


We arrived inside of Shipwreck Cove and the place was beautiful, lights were everywhere, ships piled high in the middle as other Pirate lords ships surrounded it.

"This is stunning." I commented.

"Look at them all." Pintel said.

"There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime." Barbossa stated.

"And I owe them all money." My father added. I started laughing and got some looks from the crew.

"What?" I snapped. They all turned their heads and I smiled proudly.

We arrived inside and many Pirates surrounded the large wooden table. Barbossa grabbed a cannon ball and began to hit it on the table, getting everyone's attention. As me and my father stayed behind him.

"As he who issued summons, I convene the Fourth Brethren Court." Barbossa announced.

"To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight my fellow cap'ns."

Ragetti grabbed a bowl and began to walk around the room. The pirate lords began to put anything they had in their pockets in the bowl, it was just random junk.

"Those aren't pieces of eight. They're just pieces of junk." Pintel said, almost reading my mind.

"Aye, the original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso. But when the first court met, the Brethren were to a one skint broke." Gibbs explained.

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