Under Water

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The morning light hit my face as I sat in my usual spot, facing the deck this time instead of the ocean.

"No water." Pintel complained, shaking an empty canteen above his mouth. "Why is all but the rum gone?"

"Rums gone to." Gibbs sighed. Looking at empty glass bottle. I just sighed and held my stomach, my throat felt dry and scratchy, it was reminding of me of what it felt like to be cursed.

I than stood up and sauntered over to my father, who was playing with the map. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked down at the confusing map.

He was spinning something in the middle and it began to spell out words. Sunrise sets a flash of green, up is down.

"Well, this is just unhelpful." I huffed. Moving off his shoulder.

"Extremely, why are these things never clear?" He asked looking at me for the answer, I just shrugged.

"They want to make it more difficult for the simpletons and its working." I joked. He let out a little chuckle and than leaned back in his chair.

"This is messing with my brain, something awful." He groaned, rubbing his head.

"We need to figure it out." I said, looking at the map again, studying it closely.

"We only have till sunset deary." He said. But than something clicked.

"Wait!" I exclaimed. I than saw the drawing of the ship in the middle and spun it, so it was upside down. "Not sunset, sunrise." I smiled.

He looked at the map and than me, than back to the map, than my eyes again. "Clever, just like your mother." He than got up from the table and yelled loudly. I followed him and we ran to one side of the boat, some crew followed us.

"What is that? I don't know, what do you think?" He asked me.

"No clue." I smirked. He than ran to the other side and I followed, so did a few other people.

We continued going back and forth and more people joined. The ship began rocking back and forth as we continued running. After a few minutes, we managed to get it to fully tip.

We all grabbed the railing and our feet lifted off the ground, we all started screaming. "And now, up is down." My father said calm.

The ship fully tipped and we were all underwater, but to my horror. Will's grip came loose, I let go with one of my hands and grabbed one of his, holding him in place, as I tightened my grip on the railing with the other hand.

After a few moments, the sun set and bubbles were floating up beneath us. The ship than moved through the water and popped up, the right way up. I began coughing up water and leaned against the railing.

I than realized that I was still holding Will's hand and I smirked. "Um Will."

"Yeah." He than looked at my hand. "Sorry." We let go of our hands. "Thank you."

"Your welcome." I than helped him up and I followed suit. I looked over the boat and saw that the sun was beginning to rise.

"It's a sun rise." Elizabeth said beside me. Barbossa than pulled out a pistol and pointed it at my father.

(Im not gonna describe who everyone is holding guns at, I'm just really hoping that you've seen this scene. FYI Blair is holding a gun at Barbossa and holding her knife to Elizabeth)

"Blair come on." Elizabeth groaned.

"Your the one, holding a loaded pistol to my father." I stated.

"Alright than, The brethren Court is a-gathering at Shipwreck cove. And, Jack and Blair, were all a-going there'll be no arguing that point." Barbossa stated.

"I is arguing that point. If there's pirates a-gathering, I'm pointing my ship the other way." My father said.

Elizabeth than moved both guns to my father and I held the knife closer. "The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett, and you're a pirate."

"Fight or not, you're coming, your not running Jack." Will expressed.

"If we don't stand together, they'll hunt us down, one by one. Until there's none left but the sparrows." Barbossa commented.

"Quite like the sound of that. The Sparrows, the last pirates." I said.

"I'm on the same page as my daughter." My father blurted.

"Aye." Barbossa said, taking a step closer. Holding guns to both of us. Immediately my father stood in between me and Barbossa.

"Don't hold a gun to my daughter." My father spat. Barbossa looked between us and looked slightly scared, I than looked at my father and he was giving the scariest death glare I have ever seen. Barbossa than shook his head.

"And you'll be fighting Jones alone, how does that figure into your plans?"

"I'm still figuring that out, but lower your damn gun." He ordered. "If you shoot her, I will kill you and you know that Hector." He said stern.

I just looked at him in shock at how protective he was being, I mean I was happy for it, but also a bit scared.

Everyone than lowered their guns in fear and backed away. My father grabbed my shoulder and dragged me to his cabins.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking over my face. As he lounged back in his chair. I leaned against the wall, my one foot pressed against it, as my arms were crossed over my chest.

"Um yeah." I said confused. "Okay, just saying I have never seen ya so protective." I laughed.

"I don't like seeing you in danger." He confessed.

"Uh, we're pirates father, we're always in danger." I chuckled. He than mumbled something under his breath, but I couldn't make it out. "What was that?"

"I never wanted you to be a pirate." He said more clear.

"What? You literally raised me on a pirate ship."

"I know, I know." He sighed and rested his hands on the desk, folded in front of him. "But after you were born and your mother died, I wanted to keep you off the sea's but look how well that turned out."

"I like being a pirate though. It's my nature." I smiled. "Im thankful you never kept me on land, I would've hated it."

He let out a little laugh, I joined him and we shared a bit of awkward laughter.

"Thank you." I said.


"Protecting my ass."

"I protect the ones I love."

"I love you to father." I gave him one more smile and than left his cabin, walking back onto the main deck, feeling the sun on my skin. A feeling I've come to enjoy so much.

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