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As I continued to stand at the wheel, rain began to pour, it was heavy and we all were soaked immediately. But than in the distance I took notice of the Dutchman making its way towards us. We left our line and began to sail towards the enemy ship.

"Have you noticed on top of everything, its raining?" Pintel groaned.

"That's a bad sign." Ragetti stated.

"Man the capsule. Raise the main topyard. Keep that powder dry." Gibb's ordered as he walked across the deck of the ship. Thunder began to roar in as more rain drenched us all. I continued looking at the Dutchman, when I took notice of a sink hole forming in the ocean.

"Malestorm!" Gibb's shouted. Everyone looked to me and I just smiled. "Captain Blair, we need you at the helm." Elizabeth shouted.

"Aye. You do." I pushed between them and gently pushed Cotton off the wheel and grabbed ahold of it. "Brace up the yards. Dying is the day worth living for!" I began to sail us around the storm as the Dutchman began to sail inside of it.

"She's on our stern and gaining." Will informed all of us.

"More speed! Haul your wind and hold your water." I shouted to my crew. I than steered us into the storm, The Dutchman gaining behind us. Canon's began to be shot at us and I ducked once one hit part of the wheel. "Bloody hell."

More canons hit the ship, sending some of my men overboard. "Take us out, or they'll overbear us." Will yelled at me.

"Trust me! The further we get in, we reach faster waters."

"Prepare to boardside!" Elizabeth shouted. We continued our descent into the storm, picking up speed, just like I thought.

"Captain the guns. Bear a hand." Gibbs ordered.

"Muster your courage, men. At the ready." Will said as he passed through the crew, getting to a canon. I looked over the crew and I let out a sigh...I wish my father was here...I bloody hope he can escape the brig...or my plan is shit.

As we continued to sail through the storm, we ended up being opposite to the Dutchman. "Batten down the hatches!" Gibbs shouted.

"Get ready to fire!" I yelled. The crew began to run along the deck, scrambling to grab cannon balls, weapons or anything they could find to help themselves. They looked like a pack of animals.

We got to a perfect position, ready to blow the shit out of the Dutchman. "FIRE!" I screamed.

"FIRE!" Elizabeth yelled.

"FIRE! FIRE ALL!" Gibb's yelled below deck. All of our canons shot at the Dutchman, but the Dutchman began to shoot at us as well, our ships in a heavy battle. As we hit the enemy ship, they hit us, parts of debris flying around the place, I shut my eyes as pieces of glass shattered around me, from a broken lantern.

I regained myself, than I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I quickly turned to look at the person and it was Barbossa. "Let me take over majesty." I nodded my head and he took the wheel. I ran over to Elizabeth and we shared fearful smiles.

I took notice that we were getting closer to the Dutchman, as we circled around one another. "Prepare to Board!" Barbossa yelled. A lot of my crew grabbed onto ropes and swung onto the Dutchman, while a bunch of the Dutchman crew began to swing onto our ship.

I pulled out my sword and got ready to fight. A crew member that was human landed next to me and we began to bash our swords together. I spun around him and kicked out his leg, than slicing his stomach. The men fell to the floor a pool of blood surrounding the body.

Another crew member came up to me, but this time it was a sea creature abomination. This man, was half squid and crab. I began to fight him, our swords clinging against one another. He ended up grabbing my wrist and stopped me from swinging. He through me aside, my sword falling from my grip being kicked away from other people.

The creature stocked towards me and brought his sword down, but just before it hit me. I rolled away and kicked out his leg, he fell to the deck and I grabbed a near by sword, stabbing him in the chest, repeatedly, until fish guts began to surround him, instead of blood.

I found Will and Elizabeth and began to fight with them. "Elizabeth will you marry me?" Will shouted over the cannon fire to her.

"I don't think now is the best time." She stated.

"Now might be the only time." He said and than grabbed Elizabeth. "I love you." They fought a little bit more than held onto each other again. "I've made my choice. What's yours?"

"Barbossa!" She yelled.

I kicked away the man I was fighting and just looked at Elizabeth confused, I looked at Will and he had the same face. "What?" He asked.

"Marry us!" She finished saying.

"Oh, thank goodness." I sighed.

"I'm a little busy at the moment." He yelled as he fought off two men.

"Blair, will you be my maid of honor."

"And my best man." Will added.

"I would be happy to." I smiled as I sliced a man's stomach.

"Barbossa now!" Will yelled.

"Fine then." He jumped up onto something and held his heart, as Will grabbed Elizabeth. "Dearly beloved, we be gathered here nail your gizzards to the mast, you poxy cur." He said as he fought some men. We all continued to fight again.

"Elizabeth Swann, do you take me to be your husband?"

"I do." She smiled widely.

"Great." He just gave her an awkward smile.

"Will Turner, do you take me?" Elizabeth had to fight someone and I ran towards the man she was fighting and kicked him overboard. "Thanks." She smiled, I did a stupid little bow and she faced back to Will. "To be your wife? In sickness and in health, with health being the less likely."

"I do."

"As Captain, I now pronounce you..." Barbossa than got caught up fighting. "You may kiss..." He than shot somebody. They were about to kiss, but some man came up to them and interrupted the moment, so I ran towards the man and stabbed my sword through his chest. "You may kiss...Just kiss!"

Elizabeth grabbed Will and they kissed, as the battle raged on around them. But honestly the moment was beautiful.

"Congrats!" I smiled. They both turned to face me. "Now can we continue winning this war?"

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