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As the sun rose, many ships lined beside the pearl, ready to fight against the enemy. I watched in an amazement, seeing all these pirates here, just because I commanded them to. It made me feel powerful.

A cloud of fog blocked our view far in front of us, but after waiting awhile a ship began to peer through the mist.

"The enemy is here! Let's take them!" Marty screamed out. Getting everyone else yelling in excitement, I just looked around and smirked. I than caught Barbossa's gaze and he looked highly unimpressed.

When I looked back forward, at least a hundred more ships began to come through the fog and my heart sank in my chest. My jaw dropped and I think I stopped breathing. Everyone stopped yelling or screaming.

"I just murdered all these people." I muttered under my breath.

"No you did not." Elizabeth said, giving me a fake ass smile. A bunch of pirates than turned and faced me, giving me nasty glares. I just wanted to shrink and die, but I knew I had to be strong, so I didn't show any emotion, keeping my face as neutral as possible. Even though I wanted to scream out and run away.

"Deary!" My father yelled. I moved through the crowd of angry pirates, boarding a long boat with Elizabeth, my father and Barbossa.

We rowed to a little island in the middle of the ocean, where Beckett, Will and Davy Jones were waiting for us, but Davy was in a bucket.

Which was actually quite hilarious...but I didn't want to laugh.

We began walking across the little spot of land until we came a few feet in front of them. I was in between my father and Elizabeth, while Barbossa was next to Elizabeth.

"You be the cur that led these wolves to our door." Barbossa said to Will.

"Don't blame Turner. He was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see its grand architect look to your left." Becket said.

We all turned our heads until we were looking at my father and he than turned to us, biting at his finger nails. "My hands are clean in this. Figuratively."

"My actions were my own and to my own purpose. Jack had nothing to do with it." Will defended.

"We'll spoke! Listen to the tool." My father exclaimed.

"Will, I've been aboard the Dutchman. I understand the burden you beat, but I fear that cause is lost." Elizabeth said.

"No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it." He replied, giving my father a look and my father returned one.

"If Turner wasn't acting on your behalf, than how did he come to give me this." Beckett said, dangling the compass from its string. "You made a deal with me, Jack, to deliver the pirates. And here they are." He than threw the compass and my father caught it. "Don't be bashful. Step up. Claim your reward."

"Your debt to me is still to be satisfied. One hundred years of servitude aboard the Dutchman. As a start." Davy spat.

"That debt was paid, mate. With some help." He said pointing at me.

"You escaped."


"I propose an exchange." I piped up. My father shot me a big smile.

"Will leaves with us...and you can have my dear old father." I smirked. Everyone looked at me stunned.

"Uh what?" My father said looking at me.

"Trust me." I whispered.

"Done!" Will stated.

"Undone!" My father retailed.

"Done!" Beckett said.

"Your father is one of the nine pirate lords, you have no right." Barbossa said to me.

"I do have the right, I'm the bloody king." I said proudly, man did that feel good.

I than turned to him and gave him a soft head nod, he gave one in return and took off his hat. "As you command, deary."

"Blackguard!" Barbossa yelled. As he swung his sword, cutting a piece of jewelry off my father, it falling into the sand.

Jack the monkey jumped off Barbossa's shoulder and grabbed the piece of jewelry from the sand, jumping back onto his shoulder after.

"If ye have something to say. I might be saying something as well." Barbossa said to my father.

"First to the finish, then?" He than began to walk forward, him and Will switched places. Well Beckett moved, making my father stand next to Davy.

Beckett than stepped forward and I did the same. "Advise your Brethren. You can fight and all of you will die. Or you can not fight in which case only most of you will die."

"You are a bastard, you murdered Elizabeth's father and you branded a six year old and laughed in her face."

"You chose your own fate."

"And you have chosen yours. We will fight. And you will die." I than took another step closer. "And it will be by my sword stabbing through your chest."

I than turned away and began to walk away, everyone began following me back to the long boat, when Will ran up to me. "King?"

"Of the Brethren court. Courtesy of your love and my father." I smiled.

He looked to Elizabeth and they shared a quick glance with one another, bright smiles on their faces.

"So why did you give up your father, missy?" Barbosa asked.

"Look, he can escape nearly any brig if they put him one and I also know that the heart of Davy is on the Dutchman, I just bought him a ticket to his freedom."

"That's very clever thinking." Elizabeth complimented.

"Why thank you." I smiled. We than got back into the boat and we began to row back to the pearl.

"Your putting a lot of faith in your father." Barbossa stated.

"Aye, I know. But he would do the same for me."

At least I think he would...

But that didn't matter we had a war to win!

Hey I'm sorry this chapter took so long to get out! Plz forgive me❤️

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