I know it hurts.

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Chester's pov.

i woke up on the couch all alone. Great, i knew he wouldnt stay. But thats okay, its not like im that important. And the worst part is that i still have a headache, ugh. The pills didnt work, what am i supposed to do now? Suffer? Yeah, or ill just wait for Parker. Yeah, i just think ill wait for Parker, thats the easiest. PARKER! i yelled out, i really needed him to buy me some better pills or something. "Shh im on the phone!.." He answered with a annoyed expression. Oh, okay. I whispered to myself whilst giving Parker a light push on his arm. "excuse me give me a second" Parker said angrily to the person on the phone. "Chester! Im on the phone! What do you want?" He said now even more mad than before. I have a headache, and im hungry.. I said sitting up. "Well i can make you food after this. And im gonna buy you some stronger pills later, is that okay?" Okay, thats fine. And Then Parker went back on the phone apologizing constantly. I was waiting for Parker to hang up for so long, but it just didnt happend. So i had to make food for myself, if your questioning why i didnt just do that from the start. Its because i knew i would get dizzy as hell if i stood up. But i eventually got myself to stand up and walking over to the kitchen, i first looked for hte same pills as yesterday, i knew they wouldnt work but i just gave them a second chance. And then i went over the to fridge, got the bread and cheese. Put the bread in the toaster, and went over to the drawer and got the little knife i had. I looked at the knife thinking of all the damage it could do for such a tiny lil knife. I had to try it out, i really wanted to.

parker's pov.

Alright, bye miss. Have a good morning! Ugh, finally. That took so long. I can finally go make breakfast for chester. CHESTER! IM SORRY IM GONNA MAKE YOU FOOD NOW. i yelled out walking towards the living room to see him. He wasnt there, huh. where the hell is he then? Mehh, im just gonna make food for myself then. I thought before walking in the kitchen a little worried. And there he was, in the kitchen with a small bloody knife. Chester! i yelled at him shockingly quickly walking over to him. "Parker im just making breakfast, go away." He said looking up at me all teary giving a small fake smirk. Chester..Blood's not food. "I know its not food Parker. I was just trying it out to see if its good enough to cut bread with." He said looking down at his new fresh scars. I was starting to tear up myself, it was the worst seeing his scars in real life. I looked up to the ceiling, trying my hardest not to have a breakdown. Chester..Im so sorry. i said hugging him gently. "Parker, its not your fault. But, who were you talking too earlier?" He said hugging me back lightly. Well uhm, a therapist. "A therapist?! Are you okay?" He said not grapping onto my arms looking at me now sobbing even more. Well, its actually for you. Not me. "Parker! I dont need a therapist!" Yes you do, not because theres something wrong with you. Its because of your failed suicide attempt and your selfharm problem. Im not trying to me mean. "P-Parker..You really didnt have to, but i dont need help." Chester baby, i really care about you. But sometimes, you just have to do stuff over your boundaries just to help you get better. And you have to get used to it if you want to get clean again, and it'll be worth it. Do you understand..? I said to him rubbing circles on his back, still hugging him. "Yes, i understand. I love you." He said to me softly, sniffling. "Im so sorry you had to meet me this way." Its not your fault, you would never had been able to meet me any other way if i didnt come at that time. i said to him pushing out of the hug to look him in the eyes. "Thank you, thank you so much. Im so lucky to have found someone like you, i dont deserve you, Parker." He said to me looking down at the wet marks hes made on my shirt by tears. Thank you, i love you so much. I answered having the urge to kiss him. "But uh, weird question, when is the therapy session gonna be?" Next week! So you have some time, dont worry about it. But do you wanna make breakfast together? i asked him putting the bloody knife in the sink. "id love to" he said getting a piece of bread. After we made breakfast we ate it of course. And then we went over to the couch and just scrolled through some different channels.

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