Weird conversations.

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Parker's pov.

P: Hey, uh. Chester?

I mumbled taking a sip out of my morning coffe.

C: Yeah? Whats up?

He asked curiously looking up at me.

I sighed before continuing our conversation.

P: Its about this morning..

C: Uh, yeah? Is there something wrong with the morning?

Chester jokingly said.

I chuckled at it myself, even tho it wasnt that funny.

P: C-Chester, try to take this seriously.

C: I apologize.

He frowned, looking downcasted.

P: Well- I actually had this terrifying dream.

C: Oh yeah?

He looked up at me once again.

P: You were like, nailed to the wall.

I started fidgeting with my fingers.

P: And there was also text written on the wall.

C: What was written?

P: Hail satan.

C: Oh, im sorry. But uh- You okay?

P: Yeah- yeah! Im totally fine, but a bit scared still. i just thought about sharing it with you.

C: Okay then, keep talking!

He smiled at me.

P: Actually, theres not much more to say, that was really it.

I was lying.

I could've talked about it for many more hours!
But its probably the best to stop, i dont want Chester to worry.

C: Thats fine.

Chester got up from his chair going walking over to the kitchen,
placing his plate in the sink.

C: You got any plans for today?

P: not really,
just thinking about staying home.

C: Home?
You dont even live here.

P: I dont?- Oh yeah, i just kinda came here.

C: Yeah..Well maybe you should be going home soon,
you've just been here since the incident happend.

Chester frowned sadly whilst sitting down at the table again.

P: Oh yeah..

A wave of sadness hit me so suddenly,
i mean, he was right?

Ive just been living here rent free.
How could i turn in such a awful statement so quickly
when im the one who should feel sorry for just letting him pay for all the bills
whilst ive just been sitting here!

C: Well, maybe you should start packing already, we woke up pretty late?
Didnt we?

Chester frown turned into a fake smirk.

C: You have a long drive home, 2 hours?

I wanted to cry.

We have only been friends for a couple of months,
and we even met online!

I..feel so, dumb?

P: Yeah, i should probably get going..

I stood up walking towards the staircase.

C: Wait!

I turned my attention towards him.

C: Actually- Nevermind..

Chester looked down disappointed,
he looked ashamed of himself, lets hope hes not.

He made the right decision.

But all good things must come to an end, right?



Ive been packing for about half an hour now,
it was hard, i was holding back tears.

Im gonna miss our convosations together.
All the laughs we had,
everything was so..perfect?
Apart from all the times Chester has had a breakdown,
that was NOT fun for either of us.

I zipped my backpack and walked downstairs,

I was ready to get trapped in a bear hug,
and shirt getting wet due to him crying.


He wasnt there..?

Hm, whatever.
Hes probably just waiting at the front door,
so nothing to worry about, yet.

I walked slobbingly towards the front door,
I looked up at the pale white door,

he wasnt there either?
Where could he be?

I put my bags down, and went outside to check if he was there, no.

The living room, no.
Bathroom, no,
kitchen, no.
The guest room, no.
garage, still no..

But ive missed one place,
Chesters room.

My heart began to pumb faster and faster second by second,
It was the only place he could be right?

I put my hand on the doorknob,

Why am i so worried?
Maybe hes just feeling overwhelmed (somehow)?

I twisted the doorknob slowly,
it was enough to let it make a squeal.

i entered the room quietly.

And the next thing i saw,

could truly be a living nightmare.

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