The truth.

882 11 68

Parker's pov.

I woke up at 10 AM with Chesters neck all tucked up against my chest, still.

I was so fucking hungry but i didnt want to disturb his beauty sleep.

He doesnt get to sleep alot, thats why i didnt wanna wake him up.
Hes pretty scared sleeping along, he told me that once.

And i mean, thats really the only reason i cuddle and sleep with him too...
And why was he so weird yesterday?? Like it was fucking disgusting, ew.

i hope all of this sleeping and fucking cuddling together will be over soon.
I hate that fuck, hes annoying, fucking whore.

Jokes on you, it isnt the only reason i sleep with him.
I enjoy being in his embrace, and i hope he does too.
I love him, but i would never tell him that i ACTUALLY am in love with him.

Ive told him that i love him a bunch of times but thats not really been like for real.

But anyways.

Chester still hasnt woken up.

And my stomach was growling like hell.

But Chesters sleep is more important.

Well, i had to eat tho.

What if i just carefully sneak out of his arms,

thats probably the dumbest idea ever, but like, im not THAT smart.

So i carefully-

C: Mhm~...

Oh my fucking god, how stupid can i even be?
Like Parker of course he would fucking wake up you dumbass.

P: Goodmorning Chester, how have you slept?

I said slowly leaning up against the headboard in annoyance.

C: Ive slept great.

Chester said stretching his arms and yawning.

P: Great! is it okay if i go downstairs to eat?

I said hoping he would say yes.

C: oh, why..?

P: Chester, people get hungry. Its normal.

I patted Chester on the head giggling at his question.

C: oh, i forgot.

P: uh okay, im gonna go eat now, wanna join?

C: Nahh, im staying here.
But do you mind bringing some up here for me?

P: Wait, your over your ED?!

C: yeah, havent you noticed?
ive eaten a bunch of times with you.


C: Mhm?

P: We NEED to celebrate.

C: Wha-

P: Ill figure out something to do for your celebration,
and yes. Ill go get you food.

C: Oh, okay.

Chester's pov.

Parker finally realised that ive overcome my ED.

And hes seems pretty happy about it.
And of course thats a great thing,

But, about the celebration thing..
Just no, i dont like going out in public.

Especially to celabrate ME.
Because then i know that ill have no chance of escaping the party thing.

But how was i gonna tell Parker?

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