Smudged red.

720 9 22

Parker's pov.

its only a few minutes away from midnight.
I havent slept at all, maybe im just worried for Chester.
id do anything for that boys safety.

Im really tired, im kinda like half sleeping every minute.
I felt my eyes roll a bunch of times aswell.
Its really uncomfortable i have to say.

But, something just didnt feel right to me..
I couldnt feel my blanket,
i couldnt feel my pillow either.
And it was also really, cold?
Huh, weird. I must have forgotten to turn the heat up before we went to bed.

So i eventually got up from the bed to turn the heat up.

But i couldnt?
It was like i was being pushed back by heavy wind.

What the fuck?

I tried to dominate the wind but i lost that pathetically.
I fell backwards onto the bed and landed in the exact same position i was in before i got up.
It was exhausting, the wind was a little too powerful for me to handle.

I then remembered that i fell asleep with Chester,
i wonder if hes still sleeping.

I looked down at Chester just to see that he wasnt there.

I then felt a tight grip under my jaw raising my head forcing me to look up,
it was like the wind was pulling me again, i was unfit to look down again.

Dark shadowy silhouettes then entered the corners of my eyes.

Subsequently i looked to the side as much as feasible, just to see the sight of a dead-ish corpse hanging on the wall,
his head was shaking demonically.
Like the ones in the horror movies, demonic head shake.

His mouth was fully opened,
Black glop was additionally leaking out of his mouth.

His eyes were also unfasted from his corpse,
they were only hanging by a thin piece of muscle.

I could see the inside of his eyes now, well- not really.
But they were also leaking black glop.

His body was nailed to the wall with colossal nails beaten into his wrist's,
he was sewed onto the wall.
He was hanging in the exact same position jesus died in,
like, a cross.

Dark ghastly text was discovered on the wall with a smudged out handwriting.

The text said:

H̶͈̟̜̭̜̞̻̖̾͒̍̀̾̉́̀́̀̍͛͗͌͘͘͘̚͝Ā̴̢̨̢̰̦̰̱̯̝̣̬͇̘̭̠̠͔̱̜̰̊͂͊̈́̎̂̒͋̑͊͌̎́̋̍̔̐͌͆͆͘̕͜͝͠͝ͅĮ̵̛͉͈͇͚̞͇̩̗̤̙̰͓̻̮̲̼̮̯̺͙̲̦̩̳̱͚̗̾̌̂̐͑̈͜͝͝ͅL̷̮̭̹̯̻͓͋̓̍̈́͗̐̍͆̒͛̅̔̉̉̉͜ ̴̺̭̥̂͆͐͐͒̚̕S̶̠̼͕̱̣͊́̂́̔͛̉͒͊͠͠Â̸̢̨̩̥̺̭͙͍͉̘̪̘̂̈́̅̓̐̽̉͛͊͜T̷͚̖̟̙͂̃̓̀̂͑̊̈́̑́͋̀͗͋̚̚͝À̴̧̡̨̛̳̖̠̬͔͙̲̼̠̩̹͈͎̝̳͕̼͕͗̍͜͜͝ͅN̸̛̛͎̪̬̥̞̜͛͆̎͋̈͌͒̎͆̑̒̊̆͌̚͘̚

And that was the only thing it wrote.

But what does it mean with HAIL SATAN?

**BOOM** **CRACK**

The corpse fell dramatically down onto the bed with the nails still within his wrist's.


I attemted to yelp out.
I was crying quietly by myself, i was frightened by the sight of Chester's dead body.

Who the fuck is doing this,
well whoever it is better have a good fucking explanation.

???: "HeLlOOoO??"

Somebody vocalized.

P: "FUCK-"


My eyesight then suddenly became, white?
The corners where filled in with smudged out gray.

I then, woke up.
It was all just a dream!? Ive never had ne like this one..
It must have a meaning.

??: "Earth to parker? Hellooo??"

The voice said.

??: "Good morning!"


I yelped out even more frightened.

C: "Bro- Im literally Chester, what the fuck?"

P: "Oh- well..Okay then, goodmorning."

I said wiping the cold sweat of off my forehead.

C: "Is everything okay?"

The confused boy said besides me.

P: "Yeah, im fine. I just had a weird dream of some sort."

I answered yawning.

C: "Well- Okay then, wanna go eat breakfst then?"

P: "Yeah sure..Lets go."

I said mumbling.

We went downstairs to the kitchen,
i havent forgotten that dream yet tho..

It must have a explanation,
it has to!

Well, if i need to find out then i have to tell Chester.

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