Stay with me.

464 7 2

Parker's pov.

As i saw the corpse beaten on to the wall with colossal nails hammered into his wrists,
i quickly trembled downstairs to call 911.

911: Hello, this is 911 what is your emergency?

P: uh- hi! I really need you to come quickly, please.

I answered panting my heart out.

911: Yes sir, their on their way. Please tell me your location.

P: Y-yeah! My location is ** ******** *******!

I managed to stutter out
before falling uncontrollably to the ground
due to how much i was shaking.

I curled up into a ball and digged my head down to my knees
and painfully put both of my hands on the top of my head.
And i miserably began to rock back n fourth.

It was just like my nightmare..?

Is fault?

911: Sir may you please explain your situation to me.

P: I- i cant..?

I questioned the lady on the phone.

911: You cant? Alright then, then please attempt to stay calm during your wait.

She said without hesitating.

I wanted to see Chester,
i wanted to have him with me right now no matter what,

if we were in the middle of argument?
Thats fine.

If Chester cut himself again?
Yes, he needs me during a time like that.

If he was all cuddled up against you?

But i know damn well that i cant handle seeing him like that.


Soon enough the ambulance and police arrived at the front door step,

I put quickly got up and sprinted right over to the front door.

Once i opened the door they stormed right in with paramedics, basic life supporters and police.

Police: Hello?!

They yelled out not seeing me pushed to the side.

P: I-Im right here! Sir..

Everyone then rushed over to me expecting me to be the victim.

Paramedic: Are you okay?

Life supporter: Do you need any help, r u okay sir?

P: GUYS! L-Listen.. The victims upstairs in the room on the left side.

The police, a life supporter and paramedics quickly nodded and wasted no time waiting
and darted upstairs.

Whilst a lady that came from the police crew stayed with me,
She looked like she was in her 30's.

Lady: Are you okay?

she sat down besides me on she floor.

P: Uh..Y-yeah, im just really worried about my friend, and i have a bad headache.

Lady: Thats good to hear, but do you feel anything mentally right now?
Besides from the worries of your friend.

P: Uhm, actually.. Not really, im a bit frustrated and tired but besides from that
i feel kinda, numb?

Lady: You do? Is it because you're used to this kinda of stuff?
Have you experienced something similar?

P: Kinda..?

Lady: Hm, can you give me some examples?

P: Yes, he suffered from alot of stuff, like: social anxiety, ED, deppresion and he is also cutting himself..
And hes pretty suicidal aswell..

I frowned sadly and looked down at the floor.

Lady: Wow.. Thats alot he had to go through. And what kind of relationship was in between you guys?
Like are you in a kinda of flirty relation orr, were you guys in a ugly friendship?

P: Well, we are actually in a kind of flirty relationship right now,
But.. Its also pretty unhealthy at the same time, like we never faught or anything like that,
its just freally bad for both me and his mental health that he is in such a bad state right now.

Lady: Yeah, so he means alot to you..?

P: Alot..

The paramedics then came running through the house with Chester's pale unconscious body.

Lady: Looks like we better get going, quickly get in my car and we will drive you to the hospital later,
trust me.

The lady was in a rush but tried to keep me calm with her last few words.

P: Y-yes.

She quickly reached her hand out for me to grab it and she helped me get up,
and we ran right out to the police car.

I hopped in the back seat, and we began our drive to the police station.

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