Take a seat.

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Parker's pov.

Once we arrived at the police station we went directly into a tiny white office with a table and three chair.

Lady: Please sit down, sir.

I obeyed and sat down immediatly on the one chair on the other side of the table.

Police man: Thank you for sitting down with us-..?

P: Your welcome, my names Parker. Parker hajiaskari.

Police man: Thank you. My names Tristan and here besides me is Martha.

He pointed at the lady sitting besides him.

I made quick eyecontact with them both and nodded.

T: Okay so, do you have any important information connected to this case that you can explain to us?

P: U-uh yeah! I do.. You might not believe me but promise you, its the truth im gonna be telling you in a second.

Tristan and Martha quickly glanced at eachother and looked back at me within a second.

P: So u-uhm, i actually had this nightmare a few days ago describing nearly exactly what i saw in his room.

M: Yeah? What was the nightmare exactly about?

P: oh- uhm..

I stuttered out finally starting to tear up,
the emotions were finally kicking in.
I realised i might never see Chester again.

P: Sorry about that. Uhm-

M: No its fine, i know its hard. especially when it just happend half an hour ago.
I know its alot to take in.

Tristan listened and smiled at me in an attempt to give me comfort.

And i started explaining.

P: Where do i start..uhm.. Oh yeah! Uhm, it started with me waking up in my bed as usual, in the dream of course.
And i was really, cold? So i attempted to try and get up to turn the heat up before i went back to bed again.
And before i could reach the knob-thingy i got pushed back by wind, And then i got pinned down to the bed
with the feeling of somebody holding my jaw tightly, which was the reason i was pinned.
And then it also forced me to look up and then i saw Chester h-hung up on the wall,
with those colossal nails hammered into his writs. And with the dark vine-red colored text written on the side,
which said hail satan. And then his body collapsed straight down on to the bed with me, and then i woke up.
Or i cant remember anything else.

T: What?

M: Are you making this up?

They both questioned and looked at me like I DID IT.

A wave of guilt struck me as they stared.

P: N-no! Why would i lie about such a thing!
I promise you, im NOT the one who did it. I swear.
I would never kill my best friend, never.

T: Hm, okay. Do you have any other information orrr-?

P: No, i do not.

T: Okay then, how about we send one of the cops out to go drive you to the hospital
so you can go visit your friend whilst we go investegate your house and the case?

P: Y-yes! Please, i want to see him.

M: Alright then, wait here sir.

I smiled fakely and nodded at her.
Its been 15 minutes of waiting and a cop came in and shook my hand.

Cop: Hi, i will be driving you too you're destination.

P: Yes! Thank you.

We then got out and drove for about 10 minutes and we arrived at my destination.

Cop: Do you have you're phone on you? Or do i need to come and pick you up again?

P: No no! No need to, ill order a uber. Thanks.

Cop: Alright then, see you.

I waved and immediatly walked very quickly over to the front door of the hospital,

i was worried,

And many more emotions looped around me in a circle.

I stepped in front of the door, and took a deep breath and sighed.

P: Lets do it.

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