Lovers lie.

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Chester's pov.

i was going back and fourth around my kitchen crying my eyes out. I needed Parker, i need his comfort, his touch.. I was sick, i wanted to unalive myself. I knew right away when i first met parker, if he lets go of me, then i let go of life. I knew if i was gonna get betrayed once more, then things would just get worse. But i love Parker with all my heart, i couldnt just let go now..I can atleast give him a chance...Fuck it, i dont give a fuck. The longer i wait the more anxiety and stress i get, Im gonna do it. I cant hold on anymore. I then went up the stairs nearly slipping on my hundreds of tears, i then got up to the middle of the hallway, Reaching up to pull the handle to the attic. Opened it, reached out for the rope. Went down stairs again, Put the rope up. Its time. I took a chair to stand on and stod on it. Got myself ready for the moment. I then heard a aggresive knock on the door. FUCK, NOT NOW. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. I screamed not caring about who was standing outside the door. I quickly put the rope around my neck aggresively because i didnt want the person outside my door stopping me. Im desparate. The knocking on the door turnt into bangs, i could hear screams from out side the door, i couldnt hear who it was, which doesnt matter anyways. I then tightend the rope around my neck. GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD, i screamed before pushing the chair to the ground. I did it.. Things were starting to get blurry, very quickly. My vision was then starting to get white. I started to hear ringing in my ear before hearing a loud bang across the room. Then, it all went silent and dark.

Parker's pov.

I was banging and screaming my lungs out for Chester to open the goddamn door. I was already heartbroken at this point even if i didnt know if he has commited suicide or not. But that doesnt matter right now, i NEED to save him. I then started to kick the door a few minutes later. And then i heard a scream from inside the house, GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD. No..No fucking way. I was getting angry and extremely sad at the same time, i then started to put my rage out on the door. Making a hole in it. I then ran into the living room trying to see if chester was there, no.. His room? Still no.. Im getting more and more anxious every second. I felt blind, tears covering my eyesight. I ran downstairs very dizzy from all the anxiety and stress. I then quickly turnt my head into the kitchen door. There was hanging a lifeless body in the middle of the kitchen, No..No no no no noo... THIS CANT BE HAPPENING. NO, FUCK, i screamed nearly passing out from all the distress. I got up having trouble balancing. Went over to Chesters body and took the rope off of his neck, layed him down on the cold floor and started doing the mouth to mouth method.

Chester's pov.

I woke up on the floor gasping and coughing. "CHESTER." i then felt a tight hug around my body. "your alive.." a quiet voice said into my ear. W-who are you..? I said coughing less than before. "Parker. its me, im here.." I then quickly got up on my kness and crawled over to the corner of the kitchen. WHOS PARKER? There was a loud gasp near the other boy. "Im your friend, parker. Parker haijaskari?" Parker..Parker haija-OHH that one.. I started coughing up blood from the loud shock, i cant say anything too loud. "OH GOD CHESTER YOU OKAY?" Parker said still crying from my death. I-im fine, dont worry. Just go home.. "C-Chester i cant just leave you here! Your going to die..again." THATS THE WHOLE POINT IDIOT, I WANNA LEAVE THIS PLACE. Parker then started crying louder, so did i. "CHESTER I LOVE YOU YOU CANT JUST FUCKING LEAVE." OH SO NOW YOU LOVE ME HUH? "CHESTER YOUR GOING TO START COUCHING UP BLOOD AGAIN IF Y-YOU KEEP SHOUTING. QUIET." He then put his hand over my mouth so i couldnt say anything. "Stay quiet, okay?" And then he let go of my mouth. I- "shh be quiet.." He said stroking my shoulder. He then carried me over to the couch gently, still scared for my life. Right when i placed me down on the couch he took a blanket and laid my head on his lap and covered me in the soft warm blanket. "Go to sleep baby, you need it." No, i have a headache.. i said stuffing my head into his shirt. "You do? want me to go get some pills?" He said tangling his fingers in my hair. PILLS? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?? i yelled at the confused looking boy. "Chester darling, normal pills. Dont worry." I kinda blushed at his name for me but all i could focus on right now was safety and comfort. Yes please get me some pills.. I said staring at Parkers eyes. "Okay stay here alright?" alrighty.. Parker didnt hesitate and got up laying my head down on the couch gently. He came back rather quickly with a pill in his hand. "Its a normal pill baby, dont worry." I then layed the pill on my tounge and swallowed the pill with the water Parker got for me. T-Thank you parker. I said looking up at him again. "No worries" he said smiling at me making eye contact. Parker, i love you.. I said to him clearly flustered. "hah.. i know you do, I love you too. And now go to sleep." Parker said chuckling at me. Goodnight then. "Night." And then i fell asleep in his arms.

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