Unexpected kindness.

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Chester's pov.

great, now i just told him that i was gay and that ive been cutting. I hate myself, i dont even have control over the things i say! What a fucking life man, what a fucking life...Now parker probably fucking hates me, i mean, why wouldnt he? I always fail with my friendships, im so in fucking done, why did this friendship have to break? Why this one... I feel like i need to get punished, so i went downstairs and got down to the kitchen. While i was reaching out for the knife i heard the doorbell ring. What the fuck? who tf would ring the doorbell at my house? who even wants to see me?? mehh, that doesnt matter. So i took up the sharp old knife and did the tic tac toe pattern once again since i thought it was pretty, like actually i know it doesnt make any sense to call some scars pretty. After ive cut myself i put the bloody knife down on the counter and just started walking upstairs since i didnt have the motivation to clean it up. After that i just kinda like stood there not knowing what to do i mean i could play on my computer since there was nothing else to do besides doing the laundry which i didnt have motivation for. So i turned on my computer and looked down at the discord icon at the bottom of my computer. There was loads of messages so i just decided to go check them. They were all from Parker, i wonder what he wants. Why would he text me? it doesnt matter i just quickly pressed on his profile to go see the messages he had sent. I was really scared at first to go see what he texted to me i was worried like he would say something like Hey loser! heard your gay, thats disgusting BLEAUH, your weird!! LOOOL- i was scared it was gonna be something like that, but suprisingly it wasnt. And the messages said "hey chester, i hope your okay!" "You know its totally fine to be in the LGBTQ+ community! theres nothing wrong with it! You will always be my friend no matter what" "i miss youuu come play with meee :((" Yeah that was really all he sent, but i dont wanna lie to myself, i actually missed one. And it absolutely made my heart melt. "Heya Chester buddy! im miss you ;( but always remember that i will be here to talk if you need it. Bye i love youu <3". Yes thats right he said i love you to me. I cant believe it! im so happy, im filled with tears of joy! hes so nice for what bro, i love him so much. After i calmed down a bit from his words a bit i messaged back "i love you too :)" with the right motivation. Now lets wait for his answer.

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