Your awating something.

510 9 15

I was sat down on a blue uncomfortable chair in the waiting room awaiting somebody to lead me into Chester's room.

I have waited about 30 an hour now, its bad.
it could've been worse though.
???: Hello, number 47 please come with me.

Finally, i was number 47.

P: Yes! T-thats me ma'am!

???: Great! So you must be Chester's guest?

P: Yes, indeed.

I was looking around the hospital hallways agitated,
having no more patience left in me.

The lady pointed at a pale white door a little further away and said:

???: Theres his room, number 25. Please be gentle with him, hes resting.

I inhaled quickly and eyes widened for a quick moment.

???: If something goes wrong just press the big red button on the right side of the door,
and peramedics will direct their attention to his room immediatly.

P: So its only gonna be me and him?

???: Yes, but you limited time in there.

P: How much time do we have?

???: 30 minutes.

P: Only?

???: Unfortunantly.

P: Well..Okay then, thank you for leading me here..!

???: No problem.

We both smiled and waved at eachother but that didnt last for long,
i quickly turned all of my attention back to Chester.

I put my hand on the doorknob, and sighed.

I smiled and stepped inside of the room.
I heard a quiet yawn from across the room,
and i darted my eyes directly at the direction the sound came from.

C: hm..?

i inhaled excitedly and smiled widely and walked towards him.

P: Goodmorning, ive missed you..

I sat down with on the side of the bed,

C: What?

P: Che-Chester, its me. Parker.

C: Parker?

Chester looked at me,
he looked very sick.

Maybe hes dying and nobody knows.
Im just guessing.

C: Oh, t-that one! aha, i-ive missed you too.

He laughed out.
It didnt sound normal tho, it sounded sloppy.

But i managed to fake a chuckle.

P: Chester? Could i maybe see your wrist?

C: Wrist?

P: Yeah you know, a wrist.

i pointed at mine just to make sure he could remember it.

C: Oh, aha. Which one?

P: Ehh, doesnt matter to me.

I smiled at him and he lifted his left wrist up to me carefully.

I mouthed a "thank you" and let my eyes adore his hands
for a moment before i take a look at his wrist.

I looked at it for about a minute and Chester spoke up about it.

C: When are you finished? I-im getting tired.

P: Oh! shit..Sorry.

I placed his hand down gently on his thigh and
just let my eyes wander off my themselves and made eyecontact with him.

His eyes were and looked glossy but they were still as beautiful as ever.

P: You have really beautiful eyes you know, if anyone has ever told you that.

C: Y-your not the first person to say that, but thank you!

I grinned and pattend him gently on the shoulder.

C: I actually have something to tell you, kind of like. A secret.

P: A secret? Yeah sure, go ahead, tell me!

C: Well, theres actually a meaning behind all of this..

P: What? What do you mean?

C: P-parker, theres a secret awaiting you.

P: Huh..?

C: Yea.
We just sat in silence for a little while, hes probably already fallen asleep again.

But as the timed passes, i ahd to leave.

Its been 30 minutes but nobody has come in and forced me out yet, soo...

I guess i can stay a little longer?
But right as i thought about that a nurse came in, and asked me politely to leave.

Nurse: Hello sir, your time has run out im gonna need you too leave.

P: Yeah, thats fair i guess.

Nurse: Has he fallen asleep?

P: I think so.

Nurse: Alright then, ill maybe see you a another day.

P: Yeah, bye!

Nurse: It was nice having you!

She waved and smiled and i gave the same back.
I called a uber right as i got out of the hospital and got home.

At Chester's home, not mine.

I was supposed to leave earlier today, but unfortunantly, that didnt happend due to the incident.

A sat down on the couch in relief that Chester was still alive.
And i didnt really think about that 'secret'.

But then, i got a call from an unknown person.

P: Hello?

???: Hi, is this Parker?

P: Uhm..Yeah?

Well, thats kinda creepy.

???: This is a call from the hospital, we home some unfortunate news to tell you.

God no.

P: U-uhm, yeah! GO ahead, tell me.

"Chester has unfortunately, passed away."

P: W-what..?

???: Yes, im sorry. He got stabbed in his right lung, he passed due blood loss.
Nobody knows who did it.
I then hung up and dropped the phone,
i looked at the pale white wall in front of me.

Chester isnt gonna be around anymore..?


What was Chester's secret?

And will Parker find out?

The End.

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