Left on read.

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Parker's pov.

i was down on my couch and recieved a message from Chester. I was a bit nervous since the last message i sent to him was i love you so yeahh, i guess it makes sence why im nervous. Butttt i was too curious to just leave it on delivered. So as i opened it. I closed my eyes so it could be kinda like a "suprise". When i opened my eyes i was crying joy. I love you too :). HOLY SHIT. I dont know why im over reacting lol. Its not like i have a crush on him lmao. But still hours and hours went by and i still couldnt get that message out of my head. I was actually kinda worried that im in love.. Wait wtf, that would be weird asf if i started dating someone online. So i just convinced myself that i didnt have a crush on him. But still he was stuck on my mind.

Chester's pov.

why hasnt he answered yet? But he opended it.. Im getting nervous. But why would he leave me on read? he literally just said he loved me and now hes just leaving on me?! im getting fucking tired of this bullshit. I hate him, HOW CAN HE CHANGE HIS MIND THAT QUICKLY? I LOVE HIM. Im gonna fucking kill myself if this doesnt stop. I knew it would go wrong. I shouldve listened to my gut. I wanna die. "But chester.. Maybe he just forgot to answer? Maybe your just overeacting." My angel on my right should said to me. You arent even real shut the fuck up... I was starting to tear up, or i mean i was already having a breakdown. Maybe i should just kill myself. Then all of this would be over. But first let me get in contact with parker. I went on snapchat and sent him this. "Hey parker, you know i love you very much.. But after this betrayal, i cant do this anymore. Im gonna be laying dead on the couch in a few hours probally. But if you wanna see me one last time, i turned my location on<3 goodbye parker." And then i took my knife, slit three deep scars on my shoulder before i took my pills.

Parker's pov.

I looked at my phone seeing i recieved a another message from Chester on snapchat. Why not discord? mehh doesnt matter, just let me see the message. I started off with reading the message with him saying Hey parker, you know i love you very much-  and after that message i read just a tiny bit more, and then i ran out to the car. I knew Chester wasnt lying. Hes been so upset lately that it would be impossible for him to be lying at this point. But i quickly opened my phone, opened snapchat and looked at his location. Fuck. He was aleast 2 hours away from me. Fuck it, i have to save him. 30 minutes has already been by and its getting dark outside. I was crying in the car, it was nearly covering my whole eyesight since i was crying so much. He meant so much to me, but what did i do? He didnt explain why he was gonna kill himself...But that doesnt matter, the only thing that matters right ow is chester. It has nearly been 2 hours now and im getting more anxious and frustrated every second. But at soon as i thought about that, i arrived at my destination.

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