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       Its like two days has passed after that incident. But I didn't face any of Alex , Keven , and Jimin . I use to cry when I was alone by reminding that its first time when I had crush on someone and he put  me in trouble . (In mind : I guess god did this to me because my parents don't want me to fall for someone )    
                  NEXT DAY

          As usual I was distributing corrected books to boys then ma'am left the class for sometime. When she left suddenly Jimin stood up and said ,
Jimin - Ashley! Who the hell told you that I was involved in that incident.
Ashley - I know that you did it because you are pissed off by that shipping so you decided to help Fred to put me in trouble..
Jimin - NO.. its not true. I never feel irritated by this shipping ..
(He came closer to me , hold my wrist and said , )
Jimin - please trust me I didn't help Fred for this shit. ( His stress is completely visible on his face )
Ashley - I saw everyone and then Alex said,
Alex - yeah he is right Ashley . He didn't do anything , its all our fault. Jimin is not responsible for this
           ( I feels so guilty to misunderstood him ) 
Ashley - I..I
               (Its really embarrassing for me to avoid that  I left the classroom )
               NEXT DAY

         I Saw a paper in my desk . (In mind : This jerk not again ... )  I opened the paper and screaming . On that paper I saw I LOVE YOU is written by BLOOD . I THOUGHT .. What the hell is this , why is he going so extreme. Now I am done. Without thinking for a second I visited the principal office and explained him everything. Luckily he helped me and called his parents . Principal warned him to leave me alone. And don't do this again.....
        He agreed and we left.

          Its been 2 months . Thank god Fred left me free . I am so happy about it but I am regretting what I had done with Jimin. I feel so guilty and embarrassed by jimin. (In mind : what a stupid girl am I . How can I trust anyone this easily... )
            Our final exams are coming soon I don't have that much of time to talk to jimin about it . I want to talk to him but I can't because I am feeling so bad for him. Its our last exam entire school is empty. I am about to leave when I saw Jimin sitting in his class all alone. I really wanna go and talk to him but suddenly a friend of mine came and said why are you still here lets go . When I saw jimin he is staring me already. I feels like he wants to talk to me too but I have to go so I just made an eye contact and left.

         Hi ! Thanks for reading my story . In next part I am in gonna share the start up of their secret love and its gonna be so fun ...   ( ꈍᴗꈍ )(✯ᴗ✯)

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