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OMG!! How is everyone doing !? It's been so long since I've been on here and actually wrote anything! A lot has happened since I've wrote these Zion stories. A lot of crazy things in my life. I just wanted to let everyone know that I've written another story. But it's not a Zion or a Prettymuch story. It's a just a regular teen fiction story. It's called Let Me In. I've posted the first two chapter. And I would really appreciate if you guys go check it out. I'm super excited about this story. Also, leave a comment of how y'all are doing! Let me know what's been up, the new gossip or whatever. I miss talking to you guys!!! I hope you're all staying safe❤️ if you want, add me on Snapchat @/shniliesix02 or we can follow each other on Instagram @/shnilie.sixx.
Sending virtual hugs! 🤗

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