Chapter 2

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Maddi's POV

I heard my door open and close. I woke up waiting for the attack. Living in a house filled with a bunch of youtubers, you learn to take all the pranks and loudness. Just as I suspected, I heard Bobby whispering to his camera.
"So guys, it's about 8:30 am. Today I decided that I'm going to spend the day in MJ's life. You know following her. Right now she's asleep—"
I groaned and threw my blanket off of me.
"Bobby. What are you doing in my room?" I said. I pulled my hair into a messy bun, reaching over for my glasses. As soon as they were on, clearness took over. Revealing Bobby's big ass camera in my face with a grinning Bobby behind it.
"Well MJ, today the vlog is gonna be about you. Technically your everyday life." He said smiling at the camera. I couldn't help by admire how Bobby is so happy with filming all the time.
"Well Bobs, let me get ready. You and I are gonna start with my morning routine...after I get dressed!" I declared. Bobby turned to the camera and giggled like a little kid on Christmas Day.
I quickly grabbed a change of clothing. Only took me about 10 minutes to get dressed and brush my teeth.
"Okay so what are we doing?" Bobby asked setting his camera up. I pulled out my skin products and told Bobby my steps. Everything I did, he did after me. We laughed and talked about things. Bobby's energy always made me feel happier. Once we finished, Bobby and I decided to get drinks and head to the studio. Today is the first day of me being able to work in the studio. I have this studio for the next two months.
"Wait so today so happens to be your first day in the studio? Do I get to release some music?" Bobby said winking at the camera. I couldn't help but laugh. "No way! You better not have any of my music in your video BUT you can film" I said smirking at him. "Oh gosh, I feel special!" Bobby cooed.
Due to LA traffic, we made it to the studio in about 30 minutes. The drive there consisted of us singing our hearts out to music and talking about anything.

.... in the studio ....

I'm currently rewriting the song I wrote after my breakup. Bobby and I have been here for almost 3 hours. Having the time of our lives.
"Okay so how does this sound?" I asked Bobby as I read the lyrics. Once I was done, Bobby looked at me with this look, I really couldn't figure out what he was feeling.
"It's about him.. isn't it?" Bobby asked looking at me. I just nodded my head. "It's beautiful and I know it's gonna be a hit" he said smiling at me.
I continued to mess around, looking for the right beats. Bobby went out to get us food while I stayed to finish this song. I sung part of the song, I didn't notice that Bobby had left the door open. Once I was done singing, I heard clapping. I turned around to see Edwin and some other guy. "Hey Eddie" I said walking over to him. He smiled and hugged me back.
"I had no idea you could sing! That was amazing" Edwin spoke as he sat next to me. I smiled and nodded my head.
"Yeah, well I have so much emotions that I need to get out. You know?" I was rambling a little. I looked up to see Edwin nodding his head.
"Need help with producing? I can help" Edwin spoke. I quickly nodded my head "hell yeah man!" I said causing him to laugh.

Play Ex by Kian Ledé for better visual

Edwin and I were currently listening back to the song we just produced. Every moment that I spent with Colby came rushing back. All the times we were happy. The times we kissed, laughed, hugged and the ones where we didn't have to pretend to be happy. This one specific memory came up.
Colby and I were laying in his bed, we had just gotten back from spending the day with his parents before they flew back home. I was laid up on his chest, his arm wrapped around me, my right hand was holding his left. Our legs tangled together. The only sound being heard was the slight music from his phone and LA traffic. I felt that I was being watched. So I looked up to see Colby starring at me. We made eye contact. I watched as his pupils dilate at the sight of me. I couldn't help but smile at him. "You know MJ, I've never felt this type of way. It's hard to explain. But since we've been dating for almost a year, I this what I'm about to say will either be good or bad. You are pretty amazing. I love everything about you. From how you look when you focus, you bite your bottom lip. Or when you look at me, your pupils dilate. And when you laugh really hard you let out a little snort. You have made me a whole lot happier. My friends see that, our friends. So um MJ, I just wanted you to know that I um that I love you..." hearing those words shocked me. I was happy. I couldn't help but smile like crazy. I moved my legs to side of him, basically straddling his lap. I grabbed both of his hands and placed little kisses on his face. "I. Love. You. Too." I said in between my kisses. Earning a small laugh from him. Before he quickly picked me up, making his way towards his front door of his apartment. I was a giggling mess. He made his way to Sams place. Hearing laughing and talking, I knew our friends were over. Colby burst through the door. "We said I love you" Colby said as he spun me around.
I smiled at the memory of what use to be. That smile was removed when I remember walking into his apartment, seeing Shea on top of him. Moaning his name. The fact that he cheated and acts like he did nothing wrong, hurts me. He was never like that but I guess fame changes you. I remember I didn't talk to Colby for a couple weeks. He would always call and text me. And when I didn't answer either of them, he would blow up all my socials. And I mean ALL of them. When that wouldn't work, he started to bother my friends, his friends, and he even texted my roommate at the time. He would show up to my house, knocking on my door. After awhile he would just stay outside, waiting for me to answer. I'm sure he thought that I would be up in my room. But no, I always sat by the door. Debating on whether I should let him in, let him explain. I always heard his speeches. How he said he loved me and only wanted me. I would sit there for hours, hearing him talk all while i silently cried. Our friends and our fans always thought we were endgame. Finally I started to hangout with our friends. Which he would be at, we'd make small talk. I remember aching for his touch, to be with him, I always thought of giving him a second chance. There were a few times where I'd slip up, you know 'breakup' sex and all that. But at the time, I didn't know he was with her. Telling her the things he told me. After the second time of you know, I found out. So all together I just simply started to hate him. We would run into each other every now and then, I would be petty and act as if I didn't know him. I wish I could erase our past. But deep down, I'm always going to be cheering him on including Sam. I would never admit it to anyone, but I still have love for him. No, I'm not in love with him. I just simply love him. If that makes any sense.
"Wow Madds, that was.. that was fucking great. Your voice is just wow." Edwin said. I couldn't help but smile.
"Thanks. I'm glad I got that song done. I'm actually happy it's gonna be released. I've been holding off this song for awhile." I said looking at my feet. I heard Bobby talking to his camera. I looked up to see Bobby struggling to hold the bag that read Tender Greens. "I got food" he said holding up the bag. I couldn't help but remember what Colby and Brennen called it for awhile. 'Mm Mm Good' I sighed. "Man I needa get over him. It's been months. I'm tired of these damn memories" I said taking a big bite out of my salad.

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