Chapter 70

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Kian's POV

I couldn't let myself breakdown. I had to be strong for her. Because if no one is there for her, then she'd see no point of life. Jeremy was a great friend and family to me. To all of us. This was going to hurt us so much. It already is. It just goes to show how easy someone we love can be taken from us. No warning whatsoever. How am I suppose to be there for Maddi, if I can't even hold myself together. I sat in the chair next to her. Waiting for to wake up. Nurses said it might take hours or even days until she wakes. This type of traumatic experience can cause that. "Come on buddy, lets go home" Jc said walking into the room. "No I'm good. I'm staying here with her" I said not bothering to look up. I heard him sigh. He knows I can't and wouldn't leave her. "Okay, I'll be over in the morning. Everyone had left. But there's already a publicity coverage about it." He said. I looked up at him. "Is it bad?" I asked. Praying to god it wasn't. "Everyone is sending her prayers. Paps some how got a hold of the information of Jer and the baby." He said looking down. I scoffed "I can only think of one person who is willing to do this shit" I said. "Who?" He asked. "Sammi. I mean it's logical. Zion tells her, she uses this to her advantage." I said. Jc rubbed the side of his face. "Yeah she would" he replied. We sat in silence before Jc decided he would leave. He hugged me and I was left in my own thoughts. Very bad thoughts. I wanted revenge for Jeremy, I was filled with so much anger yet I wanted to cry. And that's what I did. I cried, thinking of how my best friend's life had changed drastically over the last couple of hours. She didn't deserve this. No one does. The pain that she is going to feel. All I wanted to do was protect her from everything. To keep her happy in this cruel world.

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