Chapter 3

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Edwin's POV

Choppy and I were in the studio today since he needed help. I was the only one that didn't have any plans today. Brandon was with Maggie, Nick and Zion were in town, and of course Austin was Ansley. So I thought it'd be best to help him and get out of the house. "What's up man?" I said to choppy as I dapped him up. "Nothing man, just tryna get this sing done before tomorrow." He answered. Him and I both listened back to his song and I instantly knew what would be better. It was about almost 2 hours since I've been here. The boys texted me asking where I was and I told them. Apparently Zion broke the tv and Nick was being weird as hell. I was walking out of the studio when I passed this studio. I heard someone singing and lemme tell y'all, her voice was AMAZING and the song had a lot of emotion. MJ, her friend Bobby and I were laughing and talking. She really is a wonderful person. Her and Bobby were telling me about their friend group. I can already tell she's gonna be a good friend of mine. And the her ex? Yeah sounds like a complete douche. But she was telling me how her friend Kian and Corey had beaten the shit out of that Coby Colby? guy. I don't remember his name. But overall MJ has so many songs. She let me read some and I can tell that she's gonna be a great singer/producer.

Maddi's POV

"And while Kian jumped out in front of her, she-she fell back into the water. We had to s-stop the boat" Bobby told Edwin what happened at our friends dinner. I couldn't help but be embarrassed as we walked out of the building. Edwin and Bobby were laughing so hard that they literally had tears in their eyes. I rolled my eyes once I saw that Bobby was filming the whole thing. "I can't believe you're putting that in vlog" I said pushing Bobby. I hugged Edwin as his friend pulled up. I don't remember his name but man was he fine. He was the opposite of Colby. Ugh why is colby always popping into my thoughts? "Oh MJ, do you remember Zion?" Edwin asked me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I cleared my throat "Yeah, hows it going?" I asked Zion. He looked up at me and instantly smiled. "I'm good. Thanks for as-" he was cut off my his phone ringing. I turned back to Edwin and Bobby. "Oh for sure, we'll show up. Man thanks for the invite. Should I bring anything? I mean I am a good cook" Edwin spoke. Oh I'm guessing Bobby invited them to our kickback. I waved at Edwin as he was driving off. I turned back to Bobby. He threw his arm around me and turned his camera towards us.
"Alright guys, thank you for watching. I hope you enjoy this video! And a huge thank you to MJ for letting me follow her around today!" Bobby said.
After an hour of this horrible LA traffic, we finally made it back home. I love spending time with Bobby because he and Kian were the only people to make me smile after everything. As we walked into the house we immediately stopped in our tracks when we seen Kian being held back by Jc while, Colby was being held back by Sam. Both boys arguing. "YOU CHEATED ON HER BROTHER . I WAS THERE FOR HER. You don't even see how happy she is without man. You can't just show up to my house and try to beg for her to take you back." Kian said pointing at Colby.
"You know what. I'm happy I cheated on her. She was nothing to me. It was all a publicity stunt." Colby spat back. And that's it, he had finally pushed it too far. I watched as his best friend look at him with disgust. Sam shook his head and his eyes made contact with him. I felt the tears rising up. I fought them from falling.
"MJ..." Jc said causing all the boys to look at me. I avoided Colbys eyes, I heard him walking towards me. He reached for my hand but I yanked it away. "Nope. Sam can you take him home?" I asked looking at Sam who just nodded his head. He and Colby were walking pass me. "Oh yeah Colby you forgot something." I said causing him to turn around. Before he could say anything I punched him. Bobby pulling me back. "What the fuck?" Colby said as he was on the floor. "I warned you. Now get the hell out of my house" I said. Sam bent down to pick Colby up. He chuckled and said "you my brother, just got your ass handed to you." I watched them as they closed the door. Oh how my day went from 10 to 0 real quick.

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