Chapter 9

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Zion's POV

I watched as MJ left the room, most likely back to her room. I sat down in her spot and began to make myself a plate. "Sooo" Brandon said smirking at me. I looked around to see all the guys looking at me. "What?" I laughed nervously. "Nothing just MJ let you sleep in her bed. With her?" Jc asked me. I looked at him and then Kian. "Yeah. That a problem?" I asked taking a bite of the food. He quickly shook his head and looked at Kian. "What?" I asked. I was most definitely confused. "It's just she hasn't let anyone sleep in her bed since...well since Colby broke her heart" Kian said. "So we just find it weird is all" Bobby said. I just nodded my head and continue to eat. Colby? I heard that name before. "Was this Colby guy at the party the other night? The emo looking guy?" I asked looking at Jc and Kian. Waiting for their response. "Yeah, you guys met him and the rest of our friends." Kian said. Jc nodding his head in agreement. "So wait. Y'all still friends with him?" I asked. Now if some jerk did that shit to my one of my home girls, I wouldn't dare to be friends. "At first, we didn't dare to be near him. But MJ is too nice. She talked us into continuing our friendship. She, she just doesn't bother him." Bobby spoke. I kept quiet after that. But everyone was in their own conversations. The jacks left not too long ago, and well the boys an I were waiting for our Uber. "Yeah we just did this series on youtube. Putting a bunch of youtubers through challenges" Jc spoke to Edwin. "Are you for real?" Nick spoke. I just sat there, listening to them. Occasionally playing with one of my dreads. I notice MJ came down, she was wearing a hoodie, black ripped jeans and some Air Force 1's. She was looking good. She notice me looking at her and laughed. I looked over to see if the boys notice but nah, they were still talking. "I brought these down for you." A soft voice spoke. I looked up to see MJ holding my shoes and my clothes from yesterday. I smiled at her "thanks ma" I notice her cheeks turn a soft pink. "You can keep the clothes, I got too many joggers anyways." She said referring to her joggers she gave me last night. I nodded my head and smiled at her. "Bobs, let the idiots know I'll be at the studio today." She said grabbing her keys and her bag. "You sing?" I asked. She smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah she also produces her own music" Bobby said. I looked at him and then back at her. "Okay Bobby wanna tell him all my secrets while you're at it?" She said rolling her eyes. "I mean I could Madds" he replied. I couldn't help but smile. You could tell MJ had the purest heart but you could also tell she's been through some shit. I'm deadass intrigued with this girl.

(So like here's a little update🙃 school has me fcked and not mention, my nose piercing closed while I changing the hoop. So I'm sad and I have to get it re pierced later today😭)

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