Chapter 64

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Jeremy's POV

it's been hours since we've been fighting for our lives. Sadly the American lives at the compound couldn't all be saved. 5 out 7 lives were saved. We just didn't get there in time. As secretive operatives, we had to do what we had been trained for. Protect our country at all costs. We grabbed as much American information, papers, disks, files, anything that could give the enemy the slightest chance to use against us. This was only the beginning, as we got the rescued out and into safety. We stayed behind, to gather as much things as we could. Some locals had stayed to help us. Protect us in a way. Which I will forever be grateful for. They didn't want their country to be at war with each other. And we were their only hope. I understood that. "Tonto, Tig, we gotta go." Rone called out. Rone and I had inhaled to much smoke. We were coughing like crazy. "The bad guys are coming back. You Americans got to go" one local said to us. Rone and I looked at each other. "Thank you" I replied. The guy nodded his head and loaded his gun. "I'm so sorry" another had said to us. I called out on to the radio "guy we gotta go. Like now" I said. Not even two minutes later, the guys came back. Loading bags full of devices, files and other things into the Jeep we had. We all got into the car and headed back for the Annex. "Something ain't right. This is only the beginning" Tonto said. "Guys. I lost the grenade launcher" Tig said. I chuckled "how do you lose a grenade launcher?" Rone said. "I don't know but I did" Tig replied. We laughed a little and pulled up to the Annex. We parked and got out. "Okay I'm gonna need eyes on building B,C, and D" Rone called out. "Everyone reload and get ready!" I yelled as we ran inside. "I'm ordering the evacuation" Chief said. "You're not giving orders, you're taking them. You're in my world now" Rone said walking away from him. We did our best to keep the enemies from taking this. Everyone was going through with protocol. Destroying all their work. As for us, we got any ammo and guns we had. Rone gave us the buildings to cover from the roof tops. We knew it'd be hours before we'd get any help from our government. As we set up positions, we all felt the adrenaline pumping through our veins. Deep down we knew we all would survive this. Our next problem was our lights. We had to find a way to shit off the interior lights. Near by neighbors were leaving and so were the local security we had. It was like everyone knew what was going on besides us. it was only 12:47am in Libya. That's when we seen movement in the distance. "We got at least 15 tangos with weapons coming up on our left." Tonto said. "It's go time" Oz said. We all prepared and watched. It was a waiting game. We were being surrounded. "Let them come." Tig said. "Don't shoot first." Chief said to us. Then Tonto began to tag them with the infrared. 30 to 50 tangos were surrounding us. One of them shot at us. Before I knew it, shots were being fired. One by one the fell to the ground. In this moment, all I thought about was killing them. And keeping them away from us. For the next 20 minutes this continued until they retreated back. "They thought they could take us." Oz said. We took this opportunity to refresh. Get ready for the next wave.

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